Ever Cried Over A Haircut Or Setback


Well-Known Member
Have you ever cried over a bad haircut or setback?

I have. Years ago I self-relaxed my hair and ended up having to get my hair cut into a pixie cut from about APL. I didn't fully rinse out all the relaxer and ended up with chemical burns and some of my hair falling out. Also, my hair became brittle and was breaking. I went to a salon and she had to cut it. It was heartbreaking for me. That was one of the reasons I decided to go natural. Relaxers, for me, were just too much trouble. Finding the right stylist was always a crap shoot and doing it myself was difficult the longer my hair got. So, natural I went.

Since being natural I have only been to a salon 3 times to have my hair straightened and my ends trimmed. The first 2 times were good no problems. Yesterday, disaster struck. I went back to the same lady who did my flat iron and trim last year. She asked if I wanted to trim the ends. I say yes. She did a good job previously so why not. I don't use heat, so, there was no damage to my hair. However, my ends were starting to stick together a lot more so that's usually a sign that a trim is needed. She styled my hair with curls and it looked really good. So, it was hard to tell the length because of the curls. When I got home and combed thru it it was clear that she had cut away a lot of my progress.

I was so angry and upset I cried. I know it's foolish, but, it's my hair and she didn't consult with me before cutting. We discussed a trim not a cut. I feel helpless. All you can do is wait for it to grow back. All my hard work down the toilet. :nono:
Yes, I have. I didn't really take care of my hair when I was in college so when I came home for a relaxer to see my old stylist, she told me I had a lot of damage. She cut my nearly APL hair to above SL. I was so upset! Watching all that hair fall to the floor, I definitely teared up. The length eventually grew on me, but I've gone natural since then and have a long way to go before I get back to that length.
I have cried many many times. It is very upsetting to get all your progress cut off! It takes forever to grow and to have someone just take it all off and there is nothing you can do. A few years back my hair was thriving from olive oil and wet bunning. I could never figure out how one day my hair would be shiny and healthy looking and the next week ridiculously dry no matter what. I now know that it's product buildup and that's when I need shampoo not my hair cut. I cried after the hair cut but a week or two later when I flatironed it, I seen how thick and healthy it looked and it was shoulder length, so I was happy, and just made a commitment once again to keep it healthy. You have to specify 1/4 of an inch or dusting when you go. Don't let them do what they see fit. Or when it gets long enough to pull it front you can just do it yourself and stay out of the salons for trims. It helps when it's all one length because you can just do it yourself. When I had layers I was obligated to go to salons because I couldn't do it myself and my hair never made it past shoulder length.
yes, my sophomore year in college I went in for a trim and came out with a back bang- you know how white women have bibs and that long piece that flips up at the back- I wassoooo mad. I got the back shaved.
Yes, when I got my first perm in middle school and it took all my hair out. The Lord had to work with me a looooong time to rid me of unforgiveness against the stylist. I couldn't even look at her because her hair was pretty and I was looking like a picky headed.
When I had a really bad braid install and weave install. I literally saw chunks of my hair on the floor, and both of the women were like that's normal :confused:

I'm actually thankful for those experiences because it's the reason I speak up when I'm getting my hair done, if you even try something I don't like, I'm getting up and leaving. It's also the reason why there are currently on two ppl who touch my hair, myself and my braider. No new stylists unless they're incredibly reputable.
Last year when after the first time I got my natural hair straightened I washed it and half my head didn't revert... I cried with every protein treatment until I finally shaved my head to start over.
Last year when after the first time I got my natural hair straightened I washed it and half my head didn't revert... I cried with every protein treatment until I finally shaved my head to start over.

I flatironed last November and the right side of my hair still hasn't fully recovered. I ended up cutting much of the damage off but think every wash day of use starting over. My hair just isn't the same. I was almost Bra strap in the back and APL in the sides and the front. Now I have all kinds of different lengths.

I've vowed to not flatiron again. The growing out process has been long and frustrating.
Yes, earlier this year my niece used a blow dryer, flat iron and a marcel iron on my hair. She said my straight hair would last in the heat. I was newly natural about three months and every last strand of my hair was fried straight to varying degrees all over my head. I cried when I washed my hair the first time after that. She hasn't touched my hair since that day. When I see her, she always comments on how well my hair has recovered and thicken up again.
I'm a DIY kind of girl so I haven't had a stylist/beautician do my hair in the past 15 years, furthermore now that I'm natural I'll go to youtube to see how others are cutting or taking care of their hair.:afro:
Last Feb I got the ugliest cut ever! It looked nothing like the picture I provided the stylist. I didn't cry but, I think that was the most upset I've ever been about my hair.
Oh yes I have from my recent setback in April of this year(2015). I went from APL to EL. Cried for a bit then I was determined to get back to where I was and even beyond that. Now only 8 months later I am almost back to APL and I am hoping for BSL by the end of 2016.
Yes I have. When I realized that coloring my natural hair blonde was the worse thing I could've ever done. I ended up chopping for the third time.

I love how healthy and lustrous it is now though and vowed to really enjoy my hair this time around.
A long time ago.
I'd gone to my regular stylist and talked to her about how I was trying to grow out my hair, but I needed a trim. This woman had been doing my hair for years, and I think she went into auto pilot mode and cut my hair into my normal style. I didn't realize how short she'd cut the back until after I'd driven away. I kept feeling something on the back of my neck. Once I realized that I was feeling my coat collar because she'd cut off all of my new growth, I cried.