Even though my Hair Looked Alright Straight, BUT (Vent)


New Member
My Hair Looked Alright Straight, BUT (Vent)

...my trip to the salon resulted in some setbacks.
I'm a little bummed. I went to the salon of a family friend at the end of December to get my hair straightened for our family pictures. I suffered heat damage (in a spot in the front) and I'm noticing that my length is not where it used to be either (I got a trim. I had a long tail and I think she cut off like 2-3 inches of it. My longest layer was grazing WL and now it's grazing the bottom of my shoulder blades MAYBE just touching MBL). The heat damage burns me because I went an entire year without heat and this was my first time getting my hair done in a salon in two or three years and I told her that. (I had some bad heat damage before I started my hair journey, resulting in a cut, which prompted me to start researching hair care). So, I've decided that I'm done relying on stylists to straighten (and trim until I find someone I KNOW, like, trust, and have seen their work). One of my goals this year is to learn to give myself a good flat iron (without the damage). After these setbacks, I'm hoping I'll still be able to reach my goal of elbow length by the end of the year and that my hair will be back in tip top health shape. I've only been on this journey seriously for about a year, but these setbacks make me feel kind of like it was in vain and not so good as I though (I think my hair grows funny, quickly in the middle back and rest seems to grow kind of slow...) Anyways, sorry for the long post. I'm just a little bummed right about now...
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Im sorry this happened to you. Im sure you will bounce right back!!!

HHG... im sure ur hair still looks great!!!
(((HUGS))) Have you tried doing a moderate to strong protein treatment to combat some of the damage? Learning how to flatiron my hair the proper way has helped me out tremdously (sp?) b/c I can control the heat usage and technique. Watch some youtube videos on straightening natural hair and see which technique will work for you.