Even though I'm trying to grow my hair long . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . I really don't like hair touching my neck. :giggle:

Does anyone else feel this way? Usually I wear my hair up or pulled back so it's not an issue, but recently I was wearing it in a bob and I was really irritated by how my ends kept cutting into my neck and shoulders. Hopefully by growing my hair beyond SL I won't have this problem. But I thought it was a really funny realization.
. . . I really don't like hair touching my neck. :giggle:

Does anyone else feel this way? Usually I wear my hair up or pulled back so it's not an issue, but recently I was wearing it in a bob and I was really irritated by how my ends kept cutting into my neck and shoulders. Hopefully by growing my hair beyond SL I won't have this problem. But I thought it was a really funny realization.

I dont like it either... it always feels like a bug is crawling on my neck and I end up smacking my neck & looking crazy... another inch or so and I will be rocking updos daily to avoid this
I will admit felt different hair past shoulders in the back. Guess what I am loving it will update fotki soon.
Yes, when I straightened my hair about a month ago, I couldn't stand it, I kept wondering how do women with longer hair do this and not be annoyed!!!
I don't like it touching my neck or shoulders either. That's why when I wear it out I don't straighten it so there's not that much hang-time
I hate bangs, neck hair, hats, headbands. I want my head to be an invisible part of my life. :yep: Hair, just sit there and be beautiful but don't touch me.

When I had shoulderlength locs, they felt like a Navajo blanket in the heat. I miss my locs sometimes. I just started looking like Lil John across the top and that just wasn't cool.
. . . I really don't like hair touching my neck. :giggle:

Does anyone else feel this way? Usually I wear my hair up or pulled back so it's not an issue, but recently I was wearing it in a bob and I was really irritated by how my ends kept cutting into my neck and shoulders. Hopefully by growing my hair beyond SL I won't have this problem. But I thought it was a really funny realization.

*shudder* I HATE it. Hate, hate, hate the feeling. It makes it easy for me to wear my hair up though, and it's a reason I celebrate shrinkage - it keeps my hair off of my neck.
I used to hate hate hate my hair touching me. My neck, my shoulders, my back, my FACE especially.

And now I love feeling my hair on my back. I don't know what changed.

I'm still iffy about hair touching my face.
I don't like my hair to touch any parts of my body (neck, shoulders, face, ect). So for the most part, it's always up.
I sure am glad I am not the only one who feels this way. I hate for my hair to tough my neck and ears, and I feel like such a Becky because I keep flipping it back. :lachen: I am hoping once I get to my goal length BSL I will be able to wear it down more. :yep:
I'm with you. I really don't like wearing my own hair down. I usually wear hair pieces like half wigs or phony ponies to protect it. But this past weekend, I went to my stylist and my hair was looking so pretty and bouncy I decided to wear my own hair out that evening.....I was miserable.

It kept getting caught in my purse strap. It was raining cats and dogs and my hair kept getting caught on my umbrella. Then, it got wet and started clinging to my face and neck. I didn't like the feeling at all. :nono:

I used to wear my hair down a lot, but it was just a pain last weekend. I won't be doing it again any time soon. :ohwell:
that's funny glib.
i like feeling the weight on my shoulders sometimes
what i don't like his hair around my ears... if it's touching at my ears it freaks me out and i swat at it like its a bug and look like a psychopath on the subway.....
. . . I really don't like hair touching my neck. :giggle:

Does anyone else feel this way? Usually I wear my hair up or pulled back so it's not an issue, but recently I was wearing it in a bob and I was really irritated by how my ends kept cutting into my neck and shoulders. Hopefully by growing my hair beyond SL I won't have this problem. But I thought it was a really funny realization.

I am the same exact way! :lachen:

Luckily, my natural hair grows up not down, so I'm good:yep::grin:
For me it's hair touching my face. I cannot stand that and will act crazy when it is. I hate it getting caught in my lipgloss or on my eye lashes. For my work Xmas party I had the CUTEST evar side swoop of bangs that I wound up putting up because it was touching my face.

I noticed I get a little annoyed when it touches the back of my neck too.
This is so funny! I thought that I was the only one that did this! I am always jumping and hitting myself thinking that there is a spider on me.

When my hair is curly/wavy, it hangs to my shoulders. When it is straight, it hangs somewhere between APL and Bra strap. Either way, I definitely am not used to it touching me.

I dont like it either... it always feels like a bug is crawling on my neck and I end up smacking my neck & looking crazy... another inch or so and I will be rocking updos daily to avoid this