Evan Almighty! What a movie! What a message!


New Member
Ok... I just had to post my feedback right after seeing this movie!!! Let me tell you how beautiful and heartfelt and enlightening it was! It is definitely a movie that you can take your entire family to and more importantly, it spoke (to me at least) so many themes of faith and obedience to the Lord! Through the story, it dealt with:

obeying G-d and not man
marriage relationship/communication/understanding support
family togetherness

not to give the movie away, but my favorite part is when "G-d" in the form of Morgan Freeman went to speak with Evan's wife Joan after she left him because he was (seemingly) going outside of the plans they made.... the script on this part really opened up the scripture in Romans 5 that talks about patience.... I almost fell out of my seat and I couldn't focus on the movie for a few moments....

I hope that you take time to see the movie!!! It's worth it!
My pastor is urging everyone to see this movie. She/He said that there are a lot of messages in the movie. So invite your unsaved friends and let GOD speak to them.
Thankf you all for the review and recommendation. I was unsure about seeing this movie but will now definately consider seeing it. :)
Thanks, I was skeptical about this movie because I thought it was a comedy and that it would be mocking/making fun of God and Christianity.

I am glad that it has a great message, I will probably wait until it comes on TBS though:)
I saw this movie at a pre-movie review the day before it opened. I put this in the Off Topic forum, hoping to get a greater amount of people to see this movie.

It was an excellent movie and I'm glad that you reviewed it here. I do hope others make a decision to go see it....!
It really was a great movie. Everyone should go see it. I'm surprised that they only gave it 2 stars. I wonder why:ohwell: ?
Wow! I had no idea that the movie actually has good messages about Christianity! That's good to know. Thanks for the review!
Right, I was surprised to......this was on my boyfriend's Must-See list but I wasn't not feeling the previews. Very surprisingly tho, besides the comedy this movie had an outstanding message. And I honestly have to say that it was probably better than "Bruce Almighty" because of it. ;)
I went to see this yesterday and i must admit that it had a lot of good messages in it. I loved it and I think it was better than Bruce Almighty too.
I went to see this movie because of this thread. I normally don't see movies like this. I so enjoyed this movie. I loved it.
i was just skeptical about the movie because it was speaking of God flooding the earth when it says in the bible that God promised to never flood the earth again.
Chica, without giving away any spoilers, just trust us and go and see it, it was such a beautiful message and had a GRRRREEAT ending :)
chica_canella said:
i was just skeptical about the movie because it was speaking of God flooding the earth when it says in the bible that God promised to never flood the earth again.

:lol: I had very similar thoughts... not only about the main premise of the story but also how the Bible says that ONLY Noah's family were allowed on the ark but not other people....

So without giving away the movie, I'll just say that the ENTIRE earth was NOT flooded so the movie does not "contradict" the Bible....;) :)
See, now you are making me want to see this movie and I had nooooo interest in doing so (although I did enjoy Bruce Almighty and felt that it also had an affirming Christian message).
Yay!!! Go see it, go see it!

:cool:(you'd think they're payin me to promote this move or somethin'):lol:

But seriously, I took my Mom to see this and she doesn't really like to many movies......she LOVED it!