Ethnic Catholic Icons/Figurines?


Well-Known Member
Aloha, Christian Ladies. I need your help.

A local friend of mine's birthday is coming up and she's a devout Catholic. I wanted to get her a Mary figurine for her home, but I'm trying to find one who is not light skinned. Does anyone here know if they make those? I checked the Christian stores here, but no dice. I looked online, most of the ethnic religious statues were of people praying, but none of the Mystical Rose. :(

Any and all help is appreciated. TIA!
Enyo I co-sign with the other ladies.

The Black Madonna is a great choice, as well as many Eastern Orthodox icons.

I think the Our Lady of Victory icon is also depicted with a beautiful, deep skin tone, but I'll double check on that.
Enyo, it was Our Lady of Czestochowa, from Poland.

Pretty! But do they have in icon form, or just pictures?

I like this one!

One of my favorites...but then again, the actual image - not that St. Luke didn't get her painting right (the apostle doctor is said to have painted her), but we have the actual one of Our Lady of Guadalupe and she's kinda morenita:


And while searching, these came up;1186;1600

Pretty! But do they have in icon form, or just pictures?

I like this one!

We have a small one that is the little painting copy covered in metal to look like silver. That original one is actually removable from the cover...I don't know what they call it...but under it, you see her blue mantel, much like Our Lady of Guadalupe mantel. Anybody know? Anyhoo, you can get them very small to large. And if there are any orthodox churches, you can probably buy one there.
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