Essential Oils?


New Member
I've noticed alot of you use essential oils (jojoba, avocado, etc.)in your hair care regime. Do you use on the scalp only, hair only, or both? Do they leave the hair looking/feeling oily? And where should I look for these products? I tried my local Sally's, but they didn't carry alot of the products I've read about on this board.
Hi IslandChild

I mainly use a mixture of organic coconut oil, jojoba, rosemary, olive and sometimes add these to my other favorites. Using a small plastic bottle with a tip, I lightly oil my scalp every 2 to 3 days concentrating around the crown area...the oil will work itself down to your ears and nape area. Check your local healthfood stores. I mostly get my pure essential oils at

Hope this help

The oils you mentioned are not essential oils. They are actually carrier or base oils. These are usually used to dilute essential oils which are basically concentrated extractions from plants.

You will not find most base/carrier oils at a beauty supply store. You will have to look at a healthfood store or some of the online stores which cater soapmakers and the like.

Check out the Vendor Section here for some recommendations. These places sell both essentials and carrier/base oils.
