Essential Oils at Kmart?


Well-Known Member
I went into Kmart yesterday cuz I had to pay on my lawaway (yeah I still do lawaway!). I decided to walk down the aisles in the health and beauty section and what do I see at the last aisle with the Hispanic products? Tea tree oil, Sweet Almond oil, Vit E, etc. My jaw dropped!

Has anyone else noticed this in their Kmart?
Girl, what you talking bout, layaway is my best friend. LOL A lot of beauty supply stores carry those too. Just make sure to read the ingredients list on the back because they have added oils in them too sometimes.
My BFF didn't even know what layaway until I told him! That's how I got any new clothes when I was younger. When I saw my mom with that plastic covering it was like Christmas!

Anyhoo, it shocked me cuz in the 707 area you have to go to a vitamin shoppe or a place where they sell organic items to get those oils and they are not cheap. Hell my Trader Joe's doesn't even have these oils (nor coconut oil! GRRR).

I checked the label and it said 100% so when I run out I will grab some and see!
You can get those at any drugstore and most supermarkets. Just check either the vitamin aisle or the organic/healthy living section. Some drugstores also shelve oils like vit E and almond oil in the skin care section.