Essence - Hair Care Tips From The Experts & Readers' Hair Tips


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8 Great Best-Kept Hair Secrets from the Experts
Hair help is on the way. Top experts share their best-kept beauty secrets for hair with you. Then, tell us yours. By Pamela Edwards
1. BAMBI MONTGOMERY, owner of Honeychild Salon and Spa
"Use a very ripe avocado as a preshampoo conditioning treatment. Massage onto your hair, leave in for an hour, shampoo and rinse. You will be surprised how shiny it will leave your hair."

2. OSCAR JAMES, celebrity hairstylist
"During touch-up time you can prevent overprocessing by applying conditioner to the relaxed portion of the hair, leaving the new growth untouched. The conditioner acts as a barrier inthe event that any of the relaxer comes into contact with the processed hair."

3. DERRICK SCURRY, stylist
"To soften even the most coarse or kinky hair, try Miss Jessie's Curly Buttercreme ($58, It moisturizesd and makes hair silky in seconds."

4. CHRIS CRENSHAW, stylist
" "Never use plastic bristle brushes on relaxed hair. They can scratch and tear an already weak cuticle. Use a wide-tooth comb to maintain a healthier hair shaft."

5. CHUCK AMOS, celebrity stylist
"For the smoothest hairline, use a firm toothbrush. Small bristles ae perfect for handling flyaways. Add a touch of hair spray or gel before you brush."

6. EDRIS NICHOLLS, salon owner and stylist
"To style curly hair, try aloe vera gel. It provides a buffer against harsh, dry environmental elements. Add a few drops of olive, grapeseed or avocado oil to it, and you have a great leave-in conditioning treatment."

7. ROXANNA FLOYD, makeup artist
"I wore the same hairstyle for 14 years. Buying a cute wig was a way to experiment without cutting my hair. I get my wigs from Now I never have a bad hair day.

8. RODNEY BARNETT, certified trichologist
"There is a direct relationship between a flaky scalp and poor bowel elimination. Increase your fiber intake to correct this problem."

Recommended Products:Infusium (frizz)ologie leave in-treatment,
Ouidad Shine Glaze Serum ($26,
Mason Pearson Handy Pure Bristle Brush, $146,

Do you have a regular hair ritual? How do you keep your locks looking luxurious? Share your secret beauty tip that does wonders for your hair below.

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-5 latest comments

We want to know why we have never seen a black women in a shampoo commercial in the shower washing her hair, we only see the end results, is it true that they think black women don't like to wash their hair or get it wet, as a black women I love to wash my hair, it would nice to see, more shampoo commercials with black women in them washing their hair.


My hair is between my shoulder blades and people keep trying to convince me to color it. I always tell them, either color your hair or straigten your hair but doing both will leave it too dry and damaged. Second, moisturize your ends. I love Carol's Daughter hair oil but the olive oil in the Wal-Mart works just as well. I mostly like Carol's Daughter because of the intoxicating fragrance. Use the hot curler sparingly, no more than once per week. Pin curl hair to keep the curl


Deep conditioning of the hair biweekly and the avoidance of heat appliances in the hair are some of the best ways of nurturing healthy hair. I condition with a mixture of coconut milk and honey biweekly.

-Lakitha Goss

Messaging your scalp is a stimulant and it promotes growth a drop or two of olive oil helps the process. I always use rain water to rinse my hair when ever their is a fresh shower, you wont believe how the scalp starts to tingle. Watch how it grows. Air drying is my first choice and towel drying gently my second choice (thin hair especially). . . ,

-Rondi Cook
the wigs from that recommended site are fierce....i might get me some starting this pay period and everyone there after until my hair gets the length that i want it to be....thanks,16109,1618024,00.html

8 Great Best-Kept Hair Secrets from the Experts
Hair help is on the way. Top experts share their best-kept beauty secrets for hair with you. Then, tell us yours. By Pamela Edwards

1. BAMBI MONTGOMERY, owner of Honeychild Salon and Spa
"Use a very ripe avocado as a preshampoo conditioning treatment. Massage onto your hair, leave in for an hour, shampoo and rinse. You will be surprised how shiny it will leave your hair."

I've tried this before. It works ok but I really hate rinsing it out, it sticks to my hair and is almost impossible to rinse out...that's why I hate MOTION's deep conditioner or African Pride hair grease:nono:

3. DERRICK SCURRY, stylist
"To soften even the most coarse or kinky hair, try Miss Jessie's Curly Buttercreme ($58, It moisturizesd and makes hair silky in seconds."

I like this but I find it heavy for my kinky hair. I find this works best when I use heat with it. I love blowdrying with this.

7. ROXANNA FLOYD, makeup artist
"I wore the same hairstyle for 14 years. Buying a cute wig was a way to experiment without cutting my hair. I get my wigs from Now I never have a bad hair day.

Would be nice if the wig fit my big head:lachen:. It's a nice wig too but it's a bit tight.

8. RODNEY BARNETT, certified trichologist
"There is a direct relationship between a flaky scalp and poor bowel elimination. Increase your fiber intake to correct this problem."

Learn something new every day! Guess I'll be upping my fiber intake and my flax seed oil.

Do you have a regular hair ritual? How do you keep your locks looking luxurious? Share your secret beauty tip that does wonders for your hair below.

To add your comments or to view all comments click here.

-5 latest comments

We want to know why we have never seen a black women in a shampoo commercial in the shower washing her hair, we only see the end results, is it true that they think black women don't like to wash their hair or get it wet, as a black women I love to wash my hair, it would nice to see, more shampoo commercials with black women in them washing their hair.


Oh this is a good one! I've never seen a sista wash her hair in one of these comercials...makes you think.

Messaging your scalp is a stimulant and it promotes growth a drop or two of olive oil helps the process. I always use rain water to rinse my hair when ever their is a fresh shower, you wont believe how the scalp starts to tingle. Watch how it grows. Air drying is my first choice and towel drying gently my second choice (thin hair especially). . . ,

-Rondi Cook

Great Idea but If I ever remember to save some rain water I would love to try this out. Seems like it would be very nourishing for the hair.:yep:
Great Idea but If I ever remember to save some rain water I would love to try this out. Seems like it would be very nourishing for the hair.:yep:

Yep, I wanted to try this too, but dont know how I would go about collecting it, especially since I live in an apartment and dont have my own yard. Ppl would think I was crazy collecting buckets of water loll. If you have hard water, this is a great idea. As an alternative, I think Im going to make my own distilled water by boiling water to remove the impurities and putting it in jugs when it cools to use as a final rinse and when rollersetting in my spray bottle.
Yep, I wanted to try this too, but dont know how I would go about collecting it, especially since I live in an apartment and dont have my own yard. Ppl would think I was crazy collecting buckets of water loll. If you have hard water, this is a great idea. As an alternative, I think Im going to make my own distilled water by boiling water to remove the impurities and putting it in jugs when it cools to use as a final rinse and when rollersetting in my spray bottle.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:at the bolded...I could only imagine! My roommates already think I'm mad because I'm in the shower like 3 times when I do my deep treatments and all:lachen:. I forgot about distilled water, I'll be off to walmart to pick up a's only .69 cents.