Essations positive charged conditioner ( Product review)


New Member
Oh my goodness ladies! I have found the mothership of all condtioners. My stylist used it on my hair last week and it felt so nice that I decided to buy iy. Its called Essations Positive charged conditioner. It is kinda hard to find but I did see it on irbys beauty supply. I wore it over night because I was too tired to do my hair last night. I woke up and my hair was super soft, sily and it had so much slip. I want to buy this by the tub and thank goodness it is found in the tub at my beauty supply. This is a keeper!
Is this a moist conditioner:

Love your hair on your album by the way
Yes it is a very moist conditioner. Very moisturizing, thick and leaves my hair with alot of slip!
Isaw this whole line in a Black owned Bss that carries hard to find product without having to order online.
Thanks for th review our hair seems to like the same products I will have to try it because I love conditioners with lots of slip.