error msg


New Member
When I try to delete the avatar that's there, but not really there (I don't know what's up with that box) I get this message; The image used in your signature is higher than allowed. The maximum height is 80 pixel.
Please use your back button to return to the previous page.

When I try to use a pic that is 80x80 I get the same msg. What's wrong?
r u sure the pic is 80x80... i had to shrink my pic in order for it to save.

and the x is probably there b/c u didn't click the 'no avatar' or whatever the heck that's called in your profile.
yup the new pic is 80x80, honi helped me resize it. I've tried to delete my current avatar altogether by clicking no avatar, and I get the same message.
what is going on? for months and months my avatar is nothing but a box and a red x, now my babies are back. what's the deal?
You are grabbing it from Google's cache and not from the original site. Try removing everything until the www.muj.... etc.
