Glad you're loving it!! :yep:

It's great stuff (and you're very welcome for the raves...it was my pleasure!!):lol:

Now, have you tried the EndAll?! (I can't help myself from raving about that too :chocbunny: It puts me on :cloud9: :mmmchocolate:

OMG, that was too cute. I've been hearing so many wonderful things about that EndAll. I just ordered some today. I can't wait to get mine!!
OMG, that was too cute. I've been hearing so many wonderful things about that EndAll. I just ordered some today. I can't wait to get mine!!

You know what's sad about my RELATIONSHIP with the EndAll, I LOVE this stuff so much...I've even dreamed about it.

Next, I'll be putting it on the pillow next to me at night (my husband's side while he's on deployment)....:nono: :drunk:

ETA: If you don't like it, PM ME FIRST!!! But, I'm sure you will!
Why is the megatek for "humans" $59 and the megatek for horses $29

Is there a size difference? Where did you see that price quoted? I've never seen it higher than $29.99 (unless you buy the gallon which is about $140).

Nevermind, I just looked at their website, it's a 2 for 1 special but you're paying almost full price for both so I don't get it?
Is there a size difference? Where did you see that price quoted? I've never seen it higher than $29.99 (unless you buy the gallon which is about $140).

Nevermind, I just looked at their website, it's a 2 for 1 special but you're paying almost full price for both so I don't get it?

ON the EQyss hompage there is a link for more info on the human benefits. It links to http://www.888growmyhair.com/
This site is selling only the rebuilder: https://www.shop.888growmyhair.com/displayProductDocument.hg?productId=1&categoryId=1

It is listed for $59, but there is a two for 1 special right now...16oz
I am in Texas, too. Usually you can find it at feed stores. Call around and ask if they carry it. Not too many do probably because it so expensive compared to other equine grooming products. Sometimes they will special order it for you. The saddle shop in my town orders it just for me.