EQyss Mega-Tek


New Member
Anyone ever used this with a roller set? If so what were your results? Did you use it alone or mixed with something?
I think so, the bottle says Mega-Tek Equine Rebuilder. I really want to know if anyone has tried using this as a leave-in when doing a roller set, and if so was it used straight from the bottle of mixed with some other type of leave-in?
If no one answers I guess I will just have to try it on a day when I have no where to go and see.
I use this but I haven't used it yet with rollersetting. At some point I will and then I'll let you know how it was for me. I do love this stuff...it makes my hair soft and it smells nice, like coconut.
Thanks girls for responding. I am going to try this and I do want to hear results from others that used this product with a set.
Thanks, Yo