Eqyss makes both Ovation Cell & MegaTek


Well-Known Member
I've been trying my best to avoid the threads, but today I broke down and decided that I was going to purchase Ovation Cell Therapy. After some research I just found out that Eqyss makes both products. Ladies, is "Ovation Cell Therapy" the same thing as "Sulu Max" is to MTG? I skimmed a few threads and noticed they have the ingredients. Did anyone try them both? Please help me out before I buy the OCT pack. From the link I feel like I'm being suckered into a marketing ploy :perplexed

http://www.voodooviral.com/caseanalysis2.asp <---Link
Some ladies like the full set of the three ovation products, and other prefer the Mega-Tek (largely because of the price point). People are getting excellent results with either, it's just a matter of what you would rather use.
Thanks, JustKiya. I just read finished reading DSD's entire thread fully and realized that it was covered in depth beginning on Pg.3. I still have no clue which one I'm going to purchase yet :nono:
I find the name Voodo and marketing ploy insulting. We kow they associate that term directly with black people. I guess they figure all black people will buy it like zombies.
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