Equipped for the Fight -- Part I


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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Equipped for the Fight -- Part I
Bishop Keith Butler
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Psalms 91:15 (KJV)
Did you know that there are times that you must stay in the fight? The word "deliver" in Psalm 91:15 means to equip for the fight. God will equip you for the battle. There are situations in your life in which He is simply not going to move you anywhere; He is not going to lift you up and carry you off anywhere; but He is going to give you the equipment to slug it out right where you are and win. That is why you must get before God to find out how He wants to deliver you in a particular situation. His will is to deliver you. You just need to ascertain from the Spirit how God wants to do it.
Many times we get tired of the people we work with, or tired of the job, or tired of the house we live in. Then we make decisions based on what we feel we should do. It very well may be that God wants you to stand right where you are. He wants to equip you to slug it out and win right there. But He will not leave you to do it alone.
He said clearly that He would be with you in trouble. God will be there with supernatural anointing: the anointing that removes whatever is a burden to you, and destroys whatever is a yoke to you. With that you have the ability to stay there and slug it out until the devil high tails it and runs.
A good example of this kind of deliverance is found in Deuteronomy 28. It says your enemies will come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. Picture it. If your enemies are coming against you, and then fleeing in seven different directions, what are you doing? You are standing ? not running ? but standing. You're not being removed. You are standing. You are so equipped because you have a covenant with God, and you whipped that situation so bad in the Holy Ghost that the enemy is going in every direction trying to get away from you. That is why you need to find out if this is the time to stay and fight. It is not an anti-Christian act to stay and fight. It depends on what the Lord said to do.
So, find out in your prayer time before God what His direction is for you whenever you face a difficult situation. You can be confident in God that when He says to stay, that means He will equip you with all you need to win the battle. In God, you are the triumphant church. That means that you win every time.
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 28:7; Hebrews 10:38; 11:6
Tomorrow: "Equipped for the Fight -- Part 2" by Bishop Keith Butler
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Equipped for the Fight -- Part I
Bishop Keith Butler
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Psalms 91:15 (KJV)
Did you know that there are times that you must stay in the fight? The word "deliver" in Psalm 91:15 means to equip for the fight. God will equip you for the battle. There are situations in your life in which He is simply not going to move you anywhere; He is not going to lift you up and carry you off anywhere; but He is going to give you the equipment to slug it out right where you are and win. That is why you must get before God to find out how He wants to deliver you in a particular situation. His will is to deliver you. You just need to ascertain from the Spirit how God wants to do it.
Many times we get tired of the people we work with, or tired of the job, or tired of the house we live in. Then we make decisions based on what we feel we should do. It very well may be that God wants you to stand right where you are. He wants to equip you to slug it out and win right there. But He will not leave you to do it alone.
He said clearly that He would be with you in trouble. God will be there with supernatural anointing: the anointing that removes whatever is a burden to you, and destroys whatever is a yoke to you. With that you have the ability to stay there and slug it out until the devil high tails it and runs.
A good example of this kind of deliverance is found in Deuteronomy 28. It says your enemies will come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. Picture it. If your enemies are coming against you, and then fleeing in seven different directions, what are you doing? You are standing ? not running ? but standing. You're not being removed. You are standing. You are so equipped because you have a covenant with God, and you whipped that situation so bad in the Holy Ghost that the enemy is going in every direction trying to get away from you. That is why you need to find out if this is the time to stay and fight. It is not an anti-Christian act to stay and fight. It depends on what the Lord said to do.
So, find out in your prayer time before God what His direction is for you whenever you face a difficult situation. You can be confident in God that when He says to stay, that means He will equip you with all you need to win the battle. In God, you are the triumphant church. That means that you win every time.
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 28:7; Hebrews 10:38; 11:6
Tomorrow: "Equipped for the Fight -- Part 2" by Bishop Keith Butler

I love Deut.28:7, so true Amen:yep: