Equipped for the Fight -- Part 2


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Thursday, October 30, 2008 • Print Article
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Equipped for the Fight -- Part 2
Bishop Keith Butler
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Psalms 50:15 (KJV)
God has many ways to deliver His children. Sometimes, He will provide divine intervention for an immediate deliverance from danger. Other times, He may simply snatch you out of a situation preventing you from making a big mistake. Then, there are times that you must stay in the fight. But, when that time comes, God is there to equip you to win.
David understood this. Since he had to fight wars all the time, he stopped asking God to take him away from problems. David started asking God to give him the victory in it. His attitude was, "I don't want to go anywhere. I am staying right here where the heat is. And I'm going to win."
I'm like David. I like to stay there and say bring the heat on. Let's win it right here, glory to God. There a re situations you face in which you have to be like David. Instead of praying to be removed, ask God how to win. Ask God to show you what to do and what adjustments you need to make. Then stay there until you win. We serve a mighty God, not a weak God. He is mighty to deliver you in anything you face.
In Psalm 140:1, David says, "...deliver me, O Lord..." He is asking God to equip him for the fight. He is not saying, "get me out of here." He is saying, "load me up and give me deliverance..." and he will surely give God glory because of his victory.
In Psalm 50:15, God is saying that He will equip you for battle here on earth and He is going to get glory here, because He is going to cause you to win. Of course, after you win, you and everybody else will be glorifying God. So it is time to stop all the crying and saying, "...well Lord why don't you take me out of this. I don't want to be here, Lord. I am a Christian and they are talking against me."
Christians that talk that way need to shut up. The Bible says you are the salt of the earth. You are supposed to rub off on them who need preservation. They need you because they don't have any salt. If God moves you, there will be nothing left but destruction. That is why he put you there. He said that He would be with you in trouble. While He is with you, He has provided for you the wherewithal to win. Pick up your armor. Use the Word of God as your double-edged sword, in the name of Jesus. Use the blood that Jesus shed for you and win, because you are a winner in Jesus, the Anointed One.
Scripture References: Psalm 140:1; John 16:24