Epiphany! (Hair-related)


New Member
I just realized why I have no pets...

It's because I have my hair!

I buy new kinds of food (conditioner) for it. I buy it clothes. I spend time petting it. I see to it's health. I groom it regularly.

And I don't even have to spay/neuter it! :grin:

What epiphany did you have about your lifestyle that is directly connected to your relationship with your hair? I can't be the only one that has had a realization about how far this reaches...:look:
My hair is the daughter I always wanted but, didnt get. I have twin boys and a DH who often acts like a 9 yo boy. So when I want to indulge my inner diva, since I don't have a daughter to do things with, I was, DC, rollerset, henna or Mega Tek/Ovations my hair and get on the LHCF board. Cheaper than shopping and we bond.
Okie well.
I guess my spending time with my hair is my one girly thing I've learned to do on the regular.
My mom isn't really a girly maintenance type of woman, so never taught me about girl-ish things like manicures/pedicures, clothes, etc.
So, I s'pose my weekly hair deep conditioning/styling routine, as long as it takes, is my girl time. I don't do mani/pedis often or am crazy about clothes/fashion, but I'm serious about my hair :grin:
Wow this is too funny. I guess I can say my hair is my best friend (yes, pretty sad). We do everything together. She tells me what she likes and doesn't like and when we go out with a new male friend she let's me know whether or not she approves or disapproves:look:. She will stay fresh, smooth, and bouncy for men she likes:grin: and for the ones she doesn't like she will drop her curls, frizz up, and fall in my face making it hard to focus on him:blush::rolleyes::lachen::lachen:.