Enlighten me Please!


Well-Known Member
I am confused about length.:perplexed I would like to gauge my growth by the lengths I see here. If you have pics and you are/were SL,APL,BSL,MBL. Please of course say what length you are in the pic for me. I have checked out fotkis,challenges,and I am still confused.:nono: But I am hoping that if I see it all in one place it will help. And why you claimed that length when you claimed it, (because it touched your bra, touched top of your arm,grazed your shoulder,etc.) so I will know when to claim it. Which will be awhile.:sad:
Ladies I would really appreciate this, I am a newbie so take it easy :grin:. This is my 1st post:happydance: I am stressing about lengths because I dont know when to claim it :wallbash:
Well I am BSB (Below Shoulder Blades, also known as BSL...on some). I claim it because the longest layer is under the base line for my shoulder blade. I am not full BSB because my shortest layer is at APL (under my "armpit boob crease").

Pic in siggy.
Welcome :)

Here are a couple of charts that may clarify things a little for you.


^^ Lol, I've never seen that black one before... :grin: I think they put collarbone length at the wrong place though.
^^ Lol, I've never seen that black one before... :grin: I think they put collarbone length at the wrong place though.

I know I was just looking at it too, I had to check my own anatomy! :lachen: Cbl is below the shoulders...well at aleast on me it is.

I think they were cofusing the "collar of a shirt" with the "collarbone of the body"?
Thanks Boing boing, I see what you are saying. And I am a fan of your siggy BTW.:spinning: See that confuses me "shoulder blades", but dont worry I'll get it. I want to be a pro when it comes to this. I am constantly looking at somene's hair and not knowing the length. (obsessed what can I do:ohwell:).
Protype- you are BSL right? If you dont mind me asking.:blush: Wow, your hair is thick and healthy.
Shan- you are APL right?
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Thanks Boing boing, I see what you are saying. And I am a fan of your siggy BTW.:spinning: See that confuses me "shoulder blades", but dont worry I'll get it. I want to be a pro when it comes to this. I am constantly looking at somene's hair and not knowing the length. (obsessed what can I do:ohwell:).
Protype- you are BSL right? If you dont mind me asking.:blush: Wow, your hair is thick and healthy.
Shan- you are APL right?

No, I have about 2 inches to go. It's deceiving when both arms are raised. You can see my Fotki for one-arm raised. :yep: I'm getting close though!