Ends Help


New Member
Alright, well, I thought that I had figured out my regimen and that I was on the path to success. Well, think again. My problem? Split ends. Can anyone suggest a product to help me to keep my ends moisturized. I don't like for my hair to be weighed down which is why I have been maintaining my rollersets with only serum. My hair doesn't look dry, but despite going without using direct heat, my end continue to split. Suggestions? Thanks!
What's been helpling me is jojoba oil and profectiv healthy ends. I add jojoba oil to all of my conditioners AND when I am conditioning in my plastic cap, I add extra jojoba to the ends. Every night, I generously apply the profectiv Healthy Ends and roll my ends. It really soaks in and moisturizes. For the first time ever, they're doing wonderful.
i have the same problems. my ends are always dry. i tried the mango butter and that only made them worst. currently i'm using pure shea butter and ORS olive oil moisturizer which is really mositurizing but i will give it more time to see how they work on my ends.
goldensensation said:
What's been helpling me is jojoba oil and profectiv healthy ends. I add jojoba oil to all of my conditioners AND when I am conditioning in my plastic cap, I add extra jojoba to the ends. Every night, I generously apply the profectiv Healthy Ends and roll my ends. It really soaks in and moisturizes. For the first time ever, they're doing wonderful.

I second that! :up: Jojoba Oil is truth...it's very light (no greasy feeling at all)...moisturizing...and my hair seems to just drink it up. It's saving my ends as well. I use it twice a day...after my co wash...and at night before bed.
I'm going to agree with jojoba oil. I like to mainly use serum as well since I wear my hair down most of the time and I don't like greasy ends, but jojoba is nice and light and works very well. Also it has little to no smell and is the closest thing to natural sebum! It's great. I buy mine from From Nature With Love
Thanks ladies. I actually have jojoba oil but stopped using it because I thought that it was overkill. I will continue using it tonight! Thanks so much!
I've the same prob, i've black castor oil, i'll spend more time oiling my ends, cant have my goal for 2006 stunted :(
qtgirl said:
I'm going to agree with jojoba oil. I like to mainly use serum as well since I wear my hair down most of the time and I don't like greasy ends, but jojoba is nice and light and works very well. Also it has little to no smell and is the closest thing to natural sebum! It's great. I buy mine from From Nature With Love
I agree about jojoba also. I must get some more. :yep:

I use Protectiv Healthy Ends or Constant Care for Ends each morning and evening.
Isis said:
I agree about jojoba also. I must get some more. :yep:

I use Protectiv Healthy Ends or Constant Care for Ends each morning and evening.

Is Protectiv or Constant Care heavy?
Healthy Ends goes on however you want it to. At night I put a whole bunch on my ends to the point where the excess product is very visible. But if I am applying it during the day, it goes on light w/out weighing my hair down.
goldensensation said:
Healthy Ends goes on however you want it to. At night I put a whole bunch on my ends to the point where the excess product is very visible. But if I am applying it during the day, it goes on light w/out weighing my hair down.

Goldensansation how do you wear your hair at night?
I have had lot of problems in the past with split ends. I'm now using Aveda and my hair the healthiest it been in a long time.
everytime i see a split end i just snip it.

try platting or two stranding your hair at night.

oiling wen wet it a good idea too,

i only have to moisturize once a week when ido this!
I'm another jojoba oil user. I have fewer split ends now that I use it. I put it on my ends in the morning.
dlewis said:
I have had lot of problems in the past with split ends. I'm now using Aveda and my hair the healthiest it been in a long time.
What products are you using from Aveda. I checked your fotki and didn't see it. Thanks.
Candy_C said:
everytime i see a split end i just snip it.

try platting or two stranding your hair at night.

oiling wen wet it a good idea too,

i only have to moisturize once a week when ido this!

I get my hair done by the Domincans and maintain the style by pin curling, so I would prefer not to platt or twist my hair, at least not until I reach my hair goal. When I reach my goal, I hope to be able to do twist outs so that I don't have to rely upon getting my hair done all the time. I will keep these ideas in mind though. Thanks!