End of July Length Check Pics


Well-Known Member
Hi out there!
I know it's late but here are my end of July length check pictures.
Looking at my January pics I see I have come a long way.
When I joined LHCF a few years back I was like a sponge absorbing all I could.
I am so thankful to all the people that helped me on my journey from this site with tips and product reviews.
I remember when I joined reading posts from women with beautiful long hair saying they had hair anorexia and I just couldn't imagine having that much hair and feeling like its not long. But now I know what they meant. It seems no matter how long my hair hair gets it just doesn't seem long enough. My goal is waist length so maybe that's why I have hair anorexia, because I haven't reached my goal length yet.

My family and friends ask me what I will do with my hair once it gets that long and the only reply I can give is "LOVE IT".

I am 100% Natural, Regi on page 2.

January blow out

July blow out

January Flat Iron

July Flat Iron

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Thanks for the tag..Congrats...Great growth,Nice progress..Love it.

*So thick/Full/healthy...Stay with your routine.

Happy Hair Growing!
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Thanks for tagging me i'm almost never on this side. I need to get back on my growth game I chopped in April. You are making me step my game up
Your hair looks great!! So thick and healthy. Great job! Can't wait to see what it looks like at the end of the year.
Great progress! Keep up the good work. I have been at a stand still for awhile now, so this is the motivation I need!