Encouraging Words for You Today!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

"What's wrong with me?" Do you ever ask yourself that question?

Recently I noticed how many times I do. When I can't find my keys, when I fight with my husband, when I let someone down, when I'm late for work, when someone hurts me, when I forget to do something important. The list goes on.

It dawned on me that every time I think, "What's wrong with me?" I actually tell myself that something is wrong with me. Then I try to figure out my illusive fault so I can change it. But what I need to change is the way I talk to myself.

Why? Because every time I say, "What's wrong with me?" I tell myself that something is wrong with me.

That is not what God wants me to say to myself -- a woman He created. It's not what He wants you to say to yourself, either. But there is someone who loves it when we do. He often whispers, what's wrong with you? He's the enemy of our soul and he's trying to convince us that we're incompetent, inadequate and all alone in our struggles -- so that we never become who God created us to be.

He wants us take our eyes off of who we are in Christ and focus on our flaws; then spend our days figuring out how we can hide them. It's what he did with Eve in the Garden. I wonder if she might have even thought, "What's wrong with me?" when faced with her own inadequacies and failures.

But think back to what God said to Adam and Eve. He asked them, "Who told you that you were naked?" In other words, "Who told you that something is wrong with you?"

God acknowledged that there was someone casting shame on them and it wasn't Him. He warned that they had an enemy whispering lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and each other.

Satan's plot is the same for us. But we don't have to comply. Instead we can refute his accusations and lies with truth. We can stand on the promise of who we are in Christ -- chosen, holy and dearly loved. We can discover and embrace our God-given design (and all the quirks that come with it), and we can accept that we are the way we are because it's all part of our "package."

None of us is perfect. All of us have strengths and weaknesses, but we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" - just the way God planned.

Lord, make me aware of the times when I am not so nice to myself. Help me recognize my self-doubt and the enemy's accusations. I want to turn away from the lies so I can listen to and live in Your Truth. I want to become all that you created me to be! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thank you for this. I have been hearing :"what's wrong with you-there is something wrong with you" lately. This happens whenever I have not been reading my Bible constantly and not listening to what my Lord is saying to me. There are other things Satan does-Plays tricks to have you see things that are not there. I get down on my hands and knees to our Lord and pray for him to rid myself of these things. He knows our imperfections,strenghts and weaknesses. He wants you to learn from things and will help you go forward. He loves us no matter what :yep:
Wow! I pretty much had the exact same conversation with my mother a few hours ago. When we allow satan to whisper his foolishness in our ears, the end result is alcohol and/or drug abuse, mental illness, homocide or suicide. People wonder why babies are taking their own lives. satan exists. But thank God we serve a might God. Thank God I have a loving Father whose name I can call on when satan starts trying to work on my mind.

Thank God I am fearfully and wonderfully made. HALLELUJAH!!!!! (alright I'm tearing up, I'm about to go before the water works start). Aww too late. :crying3:
Wow! I pretty much had the exact same conversation with my mother a few hours ago. When we allow satan to whisper his foolishness in our ears, the end result is alcohol and/or drug abuse, mental illness, homocide or suicide. People wonder why babies are taking their own lives. satan exists. But thank God we serve a might God. Thank God I have a loving Father whose name I can call on when satan starts trying to work on my mind.

Thank God I am fearfully and wonderfully made. HALLELUJAH!!!!! (alright I'm tearing up, I'm about to go before the water works start). Aww too late. :crying3:

Mocha, Don't forget anger, hatred and unforgivness.

I was just having this conversation a minute ago with the Lord. Some people did something very bad to me at work today and they did it in public and out of spite.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I had a choice to let it go and accept the shame or address my attackers. I decided to address my attacker and I wasn't nice:nono: when I got through folks were running everywhere trying to escape my venom. Satan tried to tell me I was wrong and I started to feel bad, but then the Lord reminded me of who I am and who's I am. He reminded me that I could have walked away from the scene with a harden heart full of hatred and anger, but because I let it go. I'm not even mad at them in fact I been laughing about it. My heart is free from the feeling of wanting revenge. Mark my word had I not said something to them I'd be sitting here at my desk mad thinking about the situation over and over again until I had committed several crimes in my mind.

Don't mean to preach ladies, but I thank God for saving me and yall too.

NW - Thank you for posting.:angel:
Mocha, Don't forget anger, hatred and unforgivness.

I was just having this conversation a minute ago with the Lord. Some people did something very bad to me at work today and they did it in public and out of spite.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I had a choice to let it go and accept the shame or address my attackers. I decided to address my attacker and I wasn't nice:nono: when I got through folks were running everywhere trying to escape my venom. Satan tried to tell me I was wrong and I started to feel bad, but then the Lord reminded me of who I am and who's I am. He reminded me that I could have walked away from the scene with a harden heart full of hatred and anger, but because I let it go. I'm not even mad at them in fact I been laughing about it. My heart is free from the feeling of wanting revenge. Mark my word had I not said something to them I'd be sitting here at my desk mad thinking about the situation over and over again until I had committed several crimes in my mind.

Don't mean to preach ladies, but I thank God for saving me and yall too.

NW - Thank you for posting.:angel:

Thanks for the reminder, Shalom. We forget that those can take root. In regard to what happened at work...I say get 'em girl. You are far from anybody's doormat. Huh, I felt a lil' scared to when you said, "venom." :lachen:
I love you ladies so much!

Yesterday was hard the whole day. Satan was up in my behind everywhere I went so I'm feeling a little sentimental today because things were just wrong. Instead of dwelling on my hurt I came this morning to show you guys love.

NW, I love you too. :blowkiss:
Yesterday was hard the whole day. Satan was up in my behind everywhere I went so I'm feeling a little sentimental today because things were just wrong. Instead of dwelling on my hurt I came this morning to show you guys love.

NW, I love you too. :blowkiss:
Too sweet!:sneakyhug:
Thanks for the reminder, Shalom. We forget that those can take root. In regard to what happened at work...I say get 'em girl. You are far from anybody's doormat. Huh, I felt a lil' scared to when you said, "venom." :lachen:

Mocha, I missed this. :lachen: See gon have me wearing prison orange. Truthfully, I was bad :fallenangon yesterday, but today I feel embarassed by my behavior. I'ma lay low:look:.

Mocha, for you:flowers:.
Mocha, I missed this. :lachen: See gon have me wearing prison orange. Truthfully, I was bad :fallenangon yesterday, but today I feel embarassed by my behavior. I'ma lay low:look:.

Mocha, for you:flowers:.

lol..the venom was a bit much, huh? Yeah it's hard to find the balance between not letting people walk all over you and not hurting them in the process. Believe me, I know. It's ok. The fact that you are having the feelings that you're having today means you are truly His. When He starts convicting us, it ain't no joke. :look: Repent. Apologize to them. And keep it moving girl. You have been bought and paid for; for an EXTREMELY high price and nobody is gonna block your blessings!!! :kiss:
Mocha, I missed this. :lachen: See gon have me wearing prison orange. Truthfully, I was bad :fallenangon yesterday, but today I feel embarassed by my behavior. I'ma lay low:look:.

Mocha, for you:flowers:.

Wearing prison orange....ok, i'm on the floor....:lachen:
lol..the venom was a bit much, huh? Yeah it's hard to find the balance between not letting people walk all over you and not hurting them in the process. Believe me, I know. It's ok. The fact that you are having the feelings that you're having today means you are truly His. When He starts convicting us, it ain't no joke. :look: Repent. Apologize to them. And keep it moving girl. You have been bought and paid for; for an EXTREMELY high price and nobody is gonna block your blessings!!! :kiss:

Here's that 'couch ministry' in activation....YES!!!
lol..the venom was a bit much, huh? Yeah it's hard to find the balance between not letting people walk all over you and not hurting them in the process. Believe me, I know. It's ok. The fact that you are having the feelings that you're having today means you are truly His. When He starts convicting us, it ain't no joke. :look: Repent. Apologize to them. And keep it moving girl. You have been bought and paid for; for an EXTREMELY high price and nobody is gonna block your blessings!!! :kiss:

Uh, would you think any less of me if I were to say "No".:blush::grin: At that time I was really really mad.

The Holy Spirit is dealing with me on this:perplexed.

AMEN! ! !

You are an:angel:
Uh, would you think any less of me if I were to say "No".:blush::grin: At that time I was really really mad.

The Holy Spirit is dealing with me on this:perplexed.

AMEN! ! !

You are an:angel:

Hugs to you, Shalom. He's making us better everyday. You are an angel too. That's why the Holy Spirit convicted you. :grin:
This is extacly what i need to hear because right now i am so down on myself that i feel depressed,expecially when i have one of those days that work sucks, friends i thought were reliable re really not,people unfriendly to me when i am been nice to them, then i start thinking "what is wrong with me" is there written " LOSER" on my forehead:sad: life is sometimes a ***** .