Encouragement to my transitioners


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to send a shout out to you all
:0) I know how crazy it can get transitioning out of a relaxer, but hang it there. My biggest fear was chopping my hair off, I had planned on transitioning for a year, but six months later those relaxed ends were GONE! A year later my hair grew back, so ladies again I just wanted to check up on your progress, especially since there were so many to commit to going natural last year.
That's so true! Hang on in there transitioners, you'll be glad you did :)

BTW - Netta - your hair looks absolutely gorgeous!!!! :cool:
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Thanks for the inspiration and encouraging words, Netta and Daughter. :) I'm on month 10 of my transition with a long way to go. Things have been pretty easy for me so far. I just want my hair to grow faster so I can end my transition.
I don't post on here that often, but I read A LOT! And, I also appreciate the words of encouragement. I have been transitioning for about ten months as well, and I have found that as I go along, the physical part of transitioning gets easier and easier. What I'm struggling with is the desire to be natural now, versus my desire to have a certain length when I chop. I would really like to have more than a few styling options once I'm fully natural. On the other hand, I want to experience my God-given hair again ASAP. So, right now, I'm just going to play it by ear, and either chop after I've completed a year of transitioning, or whenever I feel totally comfortable with the length that I have, whichever comes first.
Beautiful natural hair Netta! I'm hanging in, I'm at 9 1/2 months transitioning and I don't miss putting stinky relaxer cream in my hair every few months and counting scalp burns after :lol: Not knocking those that relax I just decided that natural would be a better choice for ME and my hair needs, can't wait to cut in April '05 :weird:

I to hardly ever post anything but I read a lot. Im also in my 11th month of transitioning and i don't miss relaxing my hair either. However I do cheat and wear it straight most of the time. I'm trying to convince myself to just cut it but I just can't seem to do it. My plan was to cut it in Jan 05 but now its here and i'm being a big chicken.

But thanks for all the words of encouragement.
Thanks Daughter and Blessed1.

When the time comes for you guys to cut the remaining ends off you'll know. For me one day I just looked at my two textures and wondered why I was still holding on to the relaxed ends, then I realized it was totally because I didn't want short hair. But then I came to the conclusion that I could continue to grow my hair out while it was in its natural state via, braids or twist, corn rows, exc. So I decided that there was no more reasons for me to cotinue to hold on.....I BCed THAT day, lol. The TWA wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and it grew out quickly anyway. Anyhow like I said you'll know when to cut.
Thanks Netta1 and Daughter for the encouragement! Both of you ladies have beautiful natural hair!

I have been transitioning for approximately 4 ½ months. The problem I have had is fighting the two different textures and (recently) the knots. :mad: I am currently wearing braidouts, which makes transitioning so much more easier. I plan to chop the relaxed ends off in about another year, if not sooner. ;) I’m so ready to say goodbye to these relaxed ends forever!

What shampoo and conditioner did you all use during your transition? I currently use Elucence poo & MC :love: and will be trying (tonight) Aubrey Island Naturals poo and Aubrey Honey Suckle Rose MC. I am trying to find two products that works…
Awww. Thank you. I'm in month 8 of my transition and so far so good. I trimmed for the first time today, so I'm getting closer and closer to my goal. I can not wait! November can not come soon enough. BTW, your hair is beautiful Netta.
Pryncesa said:
I have found that as I go along, the physical part of transitioning gets easier and easier. What I'm struggling with is the desire to be natural now, versus my desire to have a certain length when I chop. I would really like to have more than a few styling options once I'm fully natural. On the other hand, I want to experience my God-given hair again ASAP..

I'm dealing with this right now too. When I look at my natural hair, I want to get rid of my relaxed ends so badly. However, I love wearing my hair back in a ponytail and if I were to BC today, my hair would not be long enough to do that. So that's why I want to transition for 1 1/2 years, or until I'm able to get my hair in a decent ponytail.:)
I want to wish all the transitioners luck too!!

I've chopped, but i'm still transitioning my mind! I don't mind natural hair, it's short hair with no fringe to hide behind which is my problem!

Wow, what a wonderful thread Netta :cool:

Just wanted to give some encouragement to u ladies in transition. I've only been natural for 3 mths, so I can totally relate to some of ur transitioning joys & headaches. Managing 2 textures is no joke... patience is definitely the key. It seems like everyone here has plenty of it (patience)...

Just stay on the paths that u all have set for urselves... once that time comes when ur "ready to chop", u'll know it...& once the relaxed ends are gone, u'll be sooo very happy that u've embarked on this journey :rosebud:

... I just get all mushy :violin: & excited :yay: whenever I read of ladies goin' natural...
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I also want to send a word of encouragement out to all the transitioning ladies. Its wonderful to see so many women wanting embrace their natural textures and realizing that straight hair isnt the only option. I know transitioning can be difficult and managing 2 textures can get frustrating at times, heck i managed to do it for 2 years. but like peachtree said when your ready to chop...believe me both you and your hair will know it. Also just remember that transitioning not only involves the hair itself but it also includes transitioning the mind also. good luck to everyone
This is a great thread. It can be a battle at the onset but it gets easier as mentioned. I have been transitioning for 13 months now. I so badly wanted to do the big chop yesterday but I decided to wait until I it my 1 1/2 year mark which is soon to come.

Hang in there. We will look back at this thread one day and say why didn't we do this sooner. Dahhhhhh!
I was at the end of my rope... in the 5th month of trans...
and my sister was telling me to go to the domin. salon.. for weeks...

The set and blow I got, was wonderful... .. I will be getting this done 2x month.. at least until the summertime ...... by then I should have a least 2-3 more inches and be able to chop with comfort!
Beware of Dominican Blowouts...I had one done 3 months into my transition. It looked great but after I washed by hair, my natural corkscrew curls didn't come back! It took about two months for the texture to come back. Now I just get rollersets then flatiron the roots myself with my FHI iron. No problems with texture change.
Hang in there ya'll!!!

Make sure you look at a lot of natural albums while you are transitioning. It helps with keeping the "goal" in mind! :)

Also do some reading if you can. You know all the books, HAIR STORY, TEXTURED TRESSES, NATURAL HAIR/NATURAL WOMAN, WHY ARE BLACK WOMEN LOSING THEIR HAIR?, TENDERHEADED, etc. The helps to prepare yourself for some of the "negative" comments you may get about your decision. Not only will you be up on the scientific reasons for your decision, but you will help dispel some of the "good hair/bad hair" comments you will get when people claim you cannot go natural.

Approach the naturals here too if you need "one on one" encouragement. I dont think that there is a lady that is on this forum, that is not here unless they are willing to help. They wouldn't post if they weren't willing to do that. So use that invaluable resource...especially if you are shy about starting a thread about a particular problem.

I wish you all the best in your transition. It can really be a fun time if you find the right style, the right tools, the right products (should you choose to use any). More importantly...whether your transition goes smooth or not has a lot to do with your attitude about your growing hair.

Best wishes.
THanks Ladies for the wonderful words of encouragement. I'm going into my fourth month without relaxing and I must say that I have my work cut out for me so it's nice to here encouraging words every now and then from those who are natural and have transitioned successfully:yep:.
Thanks Netta1 (love the fro!) and everyone for the encouragement. I'm personally sick of it but still not used to the idea that my hair will be shorter when i chop. But I'm chopping in May come hell or high water! I want to start my 30's off fresh!
Netta1 said:
I just wanted to send a shout out to you all
:0) I know how crazy it can get transitioning out of a relaxer, but hang it there. My biggest fear was chopping my hair off, I had planned on transitioning for a year, but six months later those relaxed ends were GONE! A year later my hair grew back, so ladies again I just wanted to check up on your progress, especially since there were so many to commit to going natural last year.

Netta, your hair is GORGEOUS! When my hair grew up, it want a Afro, like that :)
All of you guys are so sweet with your words.
