Encouragement for Today - "They Will See God"

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8 (NIV)

There is something amazing that happens to a soul when quiet majesty is observed.

Recently I rode to the top of Straton Mountain . When I got off the gondola and took in the scene around me, my soul quickened at the obvious hand of God. It was amazing to see some of God's most glorious handiwork. Every tree, the vast blue sky, the swirled mix of sunshine and clouds, the rise of the mountain, and the slope down to the valley all placed by the hand of God.

As I took in the scene I imagined God asking, "Who will notice Me in all of this today? Who will stop for just a moment and see me? Who will let their soul linger ever so slightly and simply utter an acknowledgement of Me?"

Oh God, the rocks surely do cry out great evidence of You.

May I do the same.

And not just on days when I am on vacation.

Everyday God is there. Everyday we have an opportunity to notice and acknowledge, and see and rejoice. Even when the world is crazy around me, I can still make the choice to see God.

Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."

It doesn't say, "blessed is the perfect person."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the woman who has perfect Biblical knowledge."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the one who never misplaces library books."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the mom who never messes up with her kids."

Nope. It says blessed is that woman whose heart is pure. In other words, "blessed is that woman who lives in expectation of seeing God- who looks for and acknowledges Him- whose greatest desire is to see God--- for she certainly will."

So whether your scenery today consists of beautiful mountains or mountains of laundry -- look for Him -- make the choice to acknowledge Him. Choose to see Him, and then you will.

Dear Lord, help me to pause today and make the choice to see You, acknowledge You, thank You, and represent You well. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Precious Wavy...thank you :kiss:

This entire message ministered to me, truly ministered.

I love this part...

Everyday God is there. Everyday we have an opportunity to notice and acknowledge, and see and rejoice. Even when the world is crazy around me, I can still make the choice to see God.

Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."

It doesn't say, "blessed is the perfect person."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the woman who has perfect Biblical knowledge."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the one who never misplaces library books."
It doesn't say, "blessed is the mom who never messes up with her kids."

Nope. It says blessed is that woman whose heart is pure. In other words, "blessed is that woman who lives in expectation of seeing God- who looks for and acknowledges Him- whose greatest desire is to see God--- for she certainly will."

So whether your scenery today consists of beautiful mountains or mountains of laundry -- look for Him -- make the choice to acknowledge Him. Choose to see Him, and then you will.

Dear Lord, help me to pause today and make the choice to see You, acknowledge You, thank You, and represent You well. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
We're not expected to be perfect. All we have to do is 'perfect' seeing God in everything, everywhere in our daily lives. What a gift to see Him...even where we don't expect to. In Jesus's name, Amen...

Precious Wavy...thank you :kiss:

This entire message ministered to me, truly ministered.

I love this part...

We're not expected to be perfect. All we have to do is 'perfect' seeing God in everything, everywhere in our daily lives. What a gift to see Him...even where we don't expect to. In Jesus's name, Amen...


Hey sis...I'm so happy that you were blessed with this message. Sometimes there are 'messages' and sometimes there are MESSAGES!!! This is one of those messages. I was blessed reading it myself and the part you highlighted was the part that ministered to me the most too.

Luv you, sis.