Encouragement for Today - "Never Alone"

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
“’Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’”
Hebrews 13: 5b-6 (NIV)

Devotion: Do you ever feel lonely?

Recently, I was at an event full of people. Everyone else seemed gabby and like they were effortlessly making easy connections with others. I just felt out of sorts. Someone had said something to me earlier that day that hurt my feelings and knocked me off kilter. It was one of those I would really like to be at home alone, in a bubble bath, eating something chocolate kind of nights. But I had to go to this outing, so here I was - lonely.

I politely smiled my way through the evening and finally got to go home. As I crawled into bed that night, I asked Jesus, “Why am I letting some thoughtless comment someone made affect me like this?”

There was no deep explanation. There was no Bible verse that instantly popped into my head. There was no sudden rush of peace through my heart. There was only a very gentle reminder in the depths of my soul that Jesus loves me - insecurities and all.

Jesus loves me. It’s just a simple little song that I learned all those years ago. Very simple yet so powerfully profound, that one statement grounds me in the truth of who God says I am. Friends can’t make you feel accepted all the time. Accomplishments will never truly make you feel secure. Having lots of people around you does not mean you won’t ever feel lonely. And chocolate, while it is deliciously distracting, is just a little too temporary.

So, I turn to the One who is Everlasting, Prince of Peace, and Emmanuel - God with us. I draw close to Him so He can help me separate solid truth from shifting emotion. And I remember I’m never alone.

Dear Lord, “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” (Proverbs 61: 1-4) In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This is nice. I know that there are many who will be blessed by reading this message and also comforted.

I can remember being in 'places' like this, in a crowd yet feeling left out and alone; especially when I ventured into college. This makes up for it, having Jesus who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Thanks Precious Wavy...again, you always have a sure word for us. God bless you with every gift that you've ever given, and more. You are one person who will never be alone. :grouphug2:
Thank you for this! This is a great encouragement to me and very true about how the Lord speaks...sometimes it's just a gentle voice letting you know he loves you and will never forsake you.
Thank you Nice& Wavy. That prayer really comforts me right now.:Rose: I'm going to save it in my journal, so I won't forget how much He loves me and my family.
I had a moment like that the other day...I was at work and felt like everyone was shutting me out and I felt so out of sorts to the point at home I was so tearful..all I wanted to do is crawl into bed with my Bible and read(this reminded me when I was a little girl and the other girls shut me out the same way-I guess they did not feel I was like them). My little daughter told me she loved me when I got into the car and that cheered me up. It was as if God wanted me to know not only does he love me but I have a family who loves me as well. I got over those feelings after realizing God may not want me close to my co-workers -he may have a bigger plan for me that does not involve them and he has blessed me with my children, my spouse, my mom, 3 wonderful sister friends(my children's Godmothers) and relatives who are loving. I am truly fortunate and blessed.
This is nice. I know that there are many who will be blessed by reading this message and also comforted.

I can remember being in 'places' like this, in a crowd yet feeling left out and alone; especially when I ventured into college. This makes up for it, having Jesus who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Thanks Precious Wavy...again, you always have a sure word for us. God bless you with every gift that you've ever given, and more. You are one person who will never be alone. :grouphug2:

Thank you, sis!
Thank you for this! This is a great encouragement to me and very true about how the Lord speaks...sometimes it's just a gentle voice letting you know he loves you and will never forsake you.

You are welcome, sis. It encourages me too knowing how much the Lord loves me and that I'm never, ever alone.
Thank you Nice& Wavy. That prayer really comforts me right now.:Rose: I'm going to save it in my journal, so I won't forget how much He loves me and my family.

I'm so happy that you were blessed by this, pinkskates.

Blessings to you and your family, always!
I had a moment like that the other day...I was at work and felt like everyone was shutting me out and I felt so out of sorts to the point at home I was so tearful..all I wanted to do is crawl into bed with my Bible and read(this reminded me when I was a little girl and the other girls shut me out the same way-I guess they did not feel I was like them). My little daughter told me she loved me when I got into the car and that cheered me up. It was as if God wanted me to know not only does he love me but I have a family who loves me as well. I got over those feelings after realizing God may not want me close to my co-workers -he may have a bigger plan for me that does not involve them and he has blessed me with my children, my spouse, my mom, 3 wonderful sister friends(my children's Godmothers) and relatives who are loving. I am truly fortunate and blessed.

You are blessed and highly favored of the Lord!
NW, you must have been right in the mist of the prayer I was having with the Lord last night. My situation is different from the lady in the message. I'm in a group of people who think because they attend and expensive private college that that makes them the **** (lick) they are nasty, arrogant, haughty you name it and I just don't want to be around them, but I'm determined to get my learn on.

I love you so much for posting these they are always what I need just when I need it.:yep:
NW, you must have been right in the mist of the prayer I was having with the Lord last night. My situation is different from the lady in the message. I'm in a group of people who think because they attend and expensive private college that that makes them the **** (lick) they are nasty, arrogant, haughty you name it and I just don't want to be around them, but I'm determined to get my learn on.

I love you so much for posting these they are always what I need just when I need it.:yep:

You are welcome, Shalom. May the Lord pour out His peace upon you, continually!
i feel like this was for me. I go through som many moments when i feel out of place which leads me to feel lonely. This was really inspirational. Thanks N&W. Please don't ever doubt your purpose on this board.
i feel like this was for me. I go through som many moments when i feel out of place which leads me to feel lonely. This was really inspirational. Thanks N&W. Please don't ever doubt your purpose on this board.

I so appreciate you saying this to me...I really do...thank you!:love3: