Encouragement for Today - Making an Effort!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Making the Effort
"Be earnest and unwearied in prayer, being on the alert in it and in your giving of thanks." Colossians 4:2 (WNT)
I was recently interviewed by a Christian radio station; following the release of our devotional book God's Purpose for Every Woman. The interview began with a brief discussion of the nature of God's promises and purposes for women. Next, the topic shifted to the daily discipline of spending time with God, communing with Him through the words of the Bible and prayer. Of course I said how important this was for Christian stability and growth. Then the interviewer challenged, "So bring this home. You are a wife, a mother, a university teacher, a writer, and a traveling national speaker. I'm guessing you are pretty busy. Rachel, how do you find time to have a quiet time?"

There was a day when this question would have struck me deaf and dumb because I didn't know what the answer was. I knew people who would spend an hour alone with God each day, and I wondered what their secret was. What was it that enabled them to do that? What kept them from falling asleep sitting there alone with the Bible? How did they know what to say, read or think about during all those minutes? How did they keep from getting distracted? How did they even manage to find an hour of free time each day? I kept waiting for a season of my life to come during which a block of time would regularly present itself and my spirit would drive me to God like my sweet tooth drives me to the freezer for chocolate ice cream. I wasted a lot of time idly waiting for that to happen.

"Rachel, how do you find time to have a quiet time?" I don't find the time," I answered. "I have to make the time. I can't expect to find time -- that'll never happen. There's always going to be something needing my attention, calling my name. I have to make the time, and that means sometimes I have to let other things slide. I have to be OK with letting less important things slide," I confessed.

I've come to realize it's a matter of choice, a matter of discipline... and a matter of active investment. E.M. Bounds wrote, "The lazy man does not, will not, cannot pray, for prayer demands energy." That is a simple but profound statement. When I don't pray it's because I simply don't want to expend the energy on it. People who do not pray much probably claim to be too busy or too bored with it, but in reality are too lazy to press into God. Wow. Ouch!

We have to be earnest and unwearied in prayer as today's verse urges. In the words of a little shoe company called Nike; we have to "just do it." Let's carve some time in our days to be quiet before the Lord, to read His words and pray. We can trade a small portion of our time and energy for a large portion of His grace and power.

Purpose to stick to it for several weeks until it sinks into your schedule and your soul. If you want some help being accountable on this, visit my blog listed below. I know we'll find it is more than worth the effort.

Dear Lord, I want to make the effort and time to interact with You. I want to pray and seek your heart. I don't want to be too lazy to connect to Your love, wisdom, power and grace. Help me in this, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
I think people need to also realize is that having a relationship with Gd is similar to having a relationship with someone else, (a husband, children or friend).

I'm in constant conversation with Him. I'm constanly asking His advice on this or that. For me it's an all day thing not just some time-slot. I don't have to make time because He is apart of me.

I do understand what Mrs. Olsen is saying about a special private time but something about it doesn't sit right with me.
I think people need to also realize is that having a relationship with Gd is similar to having a relationship with someone else, (a husband, children or friend).

I'm in constant conversation with Him. I'm constanly asking His advice on this or that. For me it's an all day thing not just some time-slot. I don't have to make time because He is apart of me.

I do understand what Mrs. Olsen is saying about a special private time but something about it doesn't sit right with me.

(Smile)......It doesn't sit right with you because you have an active relationship with Him so you can't relate to special private time.:yep:

While those who have an inactive relationship will read it and be like.....man, I really need to schedule some time for God.:look:
I think people need to also realize is that having a relationship with Gd is similar to having a relationship with someone else, (a husband, children or friend).

I'm in constant conversation with Him. I'm constanly asking His advice on this or that. For me it's an all day thing not just some time-slot. I don't have to make time because He is apart of me.

I do understand what Mrs. Olsen is saying about a special private time but something about it doesn't sit right with me.

I can understand what you are saying. But for me, I feel that our relationship with God is different than with my spouse or my children. The way I am with God, I can't be that way with my dh because I worship God, not my dh or my children. Although God is apart of who we are, and we can talk to Him all day, there are other things that can hinder the time I need with Him...things that get in the way. Prayer is not one-sided...its both us talking to Him and then we need to listen to see what His response would be to us. That takes quiet time to hear with a clear spirit. When we are doing things throughout the day and not taking that special "time slot", it can hinder us hearing....it really does.

When I talk to God, its because of what He does for me in my everyday life and how grateful I am to Him because He chooses to allow me to have everything I need for life and Godliness. My prayer time spent with Him is reverent....in awe of Him because of who He is and knowing that He gives me life and breath each and everyday.

Jesus prayed and made time with the Father everyday, even more than once a day. We read that Jesus would go off by Himself and pray, throughout the Gospels, because He knew who His Source was and He knew that being around the others, He wouldn't be able to have that special time with God. Although He knew the Father was with Him always, He still found the time with Him alone.

Hope that help explain it a little better.
(Smile)......It doesn't sit right with you because you have an active relationship with Him so you can't relate to special private time.:yep:

While those who have an inactive relationship will read it and be like.....man, I really need to schedule some time for God.:look:

I believe that special private time with God is for ALL of us who believe. We all must spend time with God, alone to hear from Him and His direction for our lives. When we are active during the day, there is too much distractions that can hinder us from hearing Him clearly.

It takes practice...it really does and determination to be able to sit still and spend quality time with the Father. He waits for us to come to Him to talk to Him about everything.

Moses did it. Elijah did it. Most of the people of God that we read about in the Bible did it and we must do it as well.

When John the Revelator went off to the island of Patmos, that is where He heard from God concerning Revelations and that is when He was able to write it down.

I believe that special private time with God is for ALL of us who believe. We all must spend time with God, alone to hear from Him and His direction for our lives. When we are active during the day, there is too much distractions that can hinder us from hearing Him clearly.

It takes practice...it really does and determination to be able to sit still and spend quality time with the Father. He waits for us to come to Him to talk to Him about everything.

Moses did it. Elijah did it. Most of the people of God that we read about in the Bible did it and we must do it as well.

When John the Revelator went off to the island of Patmos, that is where He heard from God concerning Revelations and that is when He was able to write it down.


You are sooo right!! I often go downtown to the river and sit. I schedule my "me time" with God at least once a week down there. I luv it....I just sit and meditate and listen to Him to speak to my heart. It's sooo awesome!
(Smile)......It doesn't sit right with you because you have an active relationship with Him so you can't relate to special private time.:yep:

While those who have an inactive relationship will read it and be like.....man, I really need to schedule some time for God.:look:

I understand about the speical private time and understand and agree with what N&W has said. But this article, I just don't know, somethings not right about it. I've reread it and still I have an uneasy feeling about it. But that's just me.

yall can excuse my comments
I understand about the speical private time and understand and agree with what N&W has said. But this article, I just don't know, somethings not right about it. I've reread it and still I have an uneasy feeling about it. But that's just me.

yall can excuse my comments

Oh, no...girl, I would never excuse your comments. It makes perfect sense to me that you may be discerning something about the article. When I responded to your post, it was because i just wanted to explain how I feel about spending time with God. I can totally understand that you may feel this way and I would never say for you not to, ok?
I know what it's like to get so caught up in everyday life that you don't find the time to really connect with God.

I talk to God all day. Every thing I do I'm talking to him while I'm doing it. However, I still do feel it's necessary to find that special time to get down on my knees and praise, worship and thank him.
Sometimes, I'll say "God, I'll meet you in my bedroom at 8 pm". I know that sounds weird but it's like I'm making an appointment with God that I intend to keep.

My neighbors are Muslims and it's always struck me how dedicated they are to their faith. Every morning at 2:30 am you can hear one man praying. His prayers last for about 30 mins and this is every single day, without fail.
He goes to Masjid several times a week and he's told me he prays a lot during the day, but that time of the morning when he prays it's just the time he's specially dedicated to God.
I try to be like my neighbor and make sure that I find time everyday for him.
I know what it's like to get so caught up in everyday life that you don't find the time to really connect with God.

I talk to God all day. Every thing I do I'm talking to him while I'm doing it. However, I still do feel it's necessary to find that special time to get down on my knees and praise, worship and thank him.
Sometimes, I'll say "God, I'll meet you in my bedroom at 8 pm". I know that sounds weird but it's like I'm making an appointment with God that I intend to keep.

My neighbors are Muslims and it's always struck me how dedicated they are to their faith. Every morning at 2:30 am you can hear one man praying. His prayers last for about 30 mins and this is every single day, without fail.
He goes to Masjid several times a week and he's told me he prays a lot during the day, but that time of the morning when he prays it's just the time he's specially dedicated to God.
I try to be like my neighbor and make sure that I find time everyday for him.

That is something when you see other people of different religions that are so dedicated to pray that way. Daniel was a man who prayed more than once a day as well and there was even a time when he was praying on behalf of Israel, and then about 2 weeks later the angel Gabriel came and gave Him the answer from God that he was seeking.

It's awesome to know that you pray and have that special time with God....I love the appointment part of it...that is awesome!
Thanks for posting. I'm struggling right now with alone time with him. A time when it's just me and Him...not the tv, internet, or any other distraction. I'm purposing to get up before dawn to do this. Yesterday, I set my alarm for 4:30AM. It went off and I was like ok, I'ma lie down for a few more minutes. Then He woke me up with claps...lol. I was like, "Ok, Lord, I hear you." I'm soooo struggling with being consistent. It is these quiet times that I hear from Him and He answers my questions. Never do I hear from Him while I'm cooking or helping the kids with homework although I wish I did. Thank you, SweetCashew for reminding us of how dedicated Muslims are in prayer. I will definitely be working on this. :yep:
Thanks for posting. I'm struggling right now with alone time with him. A time when it's just me and Him...not the tv, internet, or any other distraction. I'm purposing to get up before dawn to do this. Yesterday, I set my alarm for 4:30AM. It went off and I was like ok, I'ma lie down for a few more minutes. Then He woke me up with claps...lol. I was like, "Ok, Lord, I hear you." I'm soooo struggling with being consistent. It is these quiet times that I hear from Him and He answers my questions. Never do I hear from Him while I'm cooking or helping the kids with homework although I wish I did. Thank you, SweetCashew for reminding us of how dedicated Muslims are in prayer. I will definitely be working on this. :yep:

You are welcome, Mocha!
Thanks for posting. I'm struggling right now with alone time with him. A time when it's just me and Him...not the tv, internet, or any other distraction. I'm purposing to get up before dawn to do this. Yesterday, I set my alarm for 4:30AM. It went off and I was like ok, I'ma lie down for a few more minutes. Then He woke me up with claps...lol. I was like, "Ok, Lord, I hear you." I'm soooo struggling with being consistent. It is these quiet times that I hear from Him and He answers my questions. Never do I hear from Him while I'm cooking or helping the kids with homework although I wish I did. Thank you, SweetCashew for reminding us of how dedicated Muslims are in prayer. I will definitely be working on this. :yep:

It's important to be quite in order to hear him. Sometimes God is speaking to us but we're so busy focusing on the movie, LHCF:grin:, music, or whatever else distracts us, that we don't hear his voice.
Those quite times are when I get a lot of breakthroughs. Or when I just decided to listen. I had to learn to shut myself off from the rest of the world too. So I can be in the middle of a party and be completely focused on God for a minute or two. It's tough but it can be done.