Encouragement for Today - Becoming A Patient Woman

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
"We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need."Colossians 1:11 (NLT)

In a heart that values instant gratification like mine does, patience seems hard to come by.

In the last several weeks I've raced through a yellow light because I didn't want to wait at a red light. I've looked up my symptoms on the internet because I didn't want to sit in a doctor's waiting room. I've paid extra for an item off the internet because I didn't want to stand in line at the store. I've also eaten dessert first, because I didn't want to wait until it was "time" for dessert. (I think anytime is a good time for dessert!) Though I can't recall a specific instance, odds are high that I lost my patience at some point and fussed at my kids.

We want stuff and we want it now. We want results and we want them now. Yet the Bible repeatedly says that patience should be a way of life for followers of Christ.

God is love and patience is part of His character. For you and I to love like God loves, patience will be required (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Loving as God loves is the ultimate goal as we walk through this life seeking to please God and become like Him.

Patience could be defined as the ability to endure graciously. We all have to deal at times with people or circumstances that try our composure -- an ungrateful child, an inattentive waitress, a slow moving line at the cash register, a rude boss, a spouse taking our hard work around the house for granted. How graciously do we behave in these circumstances?

The Bible says God will be faithful to complete the good works He began in us (Philippians 1:6). That implies there's going to be some "in the meantime" when we're all less than perfect and less than easy to love. This is where patience comes in. The apostle Paul instructs us to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph.4:1-3).

We also have to exercise patience towards God as we wait for His full plan to unfold. At times we must wait for answers to prayers, for deliverance, for provision, or for Him to dispense justice or reveal His will. We really have no choice but to wait in these circumstances, but a woman developing patience will endure the wait graciously. It helps to remember how very patient God has to be with us on a daily basis (1 Timothy 1:16, 2 Peter 3:8-9).

Exercising patience isn't just an exercise of the human will. The kind of patience Paul is talking about is a fruit of the Spirit developed in a woman's soul in tandem with God. It's a virtue that grows from her confidence in the sovereignty of God and His ability to bring all things to completion, in His timing, in a way that benefits His children and glorifies Him.

This patience thing may take some time to develop, but I've decided to graciously endure the process. I started today by stopping, like I should, and waiting at a yellow light I'm certain I could've made it through safely. As I sat at the intersection, I thought about God and about developing patience. The light turned green a mere minute later, and I went on my way with a smile on my face, happy to be a woman who is embracing patience ... even if starting in a very small way.

Dear Lord, thank You for being so very patient with me. Help me to develop patience, and display that quality for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen
I refuse to read this thread! I am not prepared for a test in patience again! I keep flunking that one:lachen:

Well now I read it......here it comes lol:look:
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Thank you for this, I have asked God to give me patience(especially with my kids) and I know I could use it in all areas of my life.
Wow, I really needed to read this! This is my first time in this forum, and I will be sure to come back!
Ahhh....:look::grin: Let's just say that I am not asking for "extra opportunities" to learn and practice patience. I'm a quick learner in this area....
Sounds like its already too late:lachen:

Hey girl, I'm just keeping it real! I learned early to be careful what you pray for!:lachen:I prayed and prayed for patience and all I kept getting were trials that worked my patience!:wallbash: But see, God gave us a heads up didn't he in James 1: 2-4

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

See? I ain't ready Lord!:lol:
Hey girl, I'm just keeping it real! I learned early to be careful what you pray for!:lachen:I prayed and prayed for patience and all I kept getting were trials that worked my patience!:wallbash: But see, God gave us a heads up didn't he in James 1: 2-4

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

See? I ain't ready Lord!:lol:
:grin: I feel you!! I'm not ready for the trials either. I've been going thru them a lot and since I never pass those tests, I keep having to take more and more of them. :wallbash:
Okay...who's decided to pick on me today..... Hmmmmmmm, :rolleyes:. Just call me out into the open.

Ummmmmmm, I'm............w..a...i...t..i...n...g for someone to speak up.

Oooops, it's the Lord reminding me of something He told me years ago....

"In your PATIENCE possess ye your souls..." (Luke 21:19)

I love this scripture, for in my patience, I have possessed my soul many a time. I've gained more than if I had not waited. Who wants a cake undone? Or a runny egg that should be hard boilded. Who wants melted ice cream? Who wants to be with a man...not the one? I waited...and in my patience I possessed my soul. I gave nothing away neither lost my dreams to be cherished.

In my personal hair journey, I wanted long, healthy hair...like NOW! But it took me over a year to obtain what I have now gained. It took patience. Although there was growth, I had to CUT it, to achieve long hair that would STAY long hair. My hair had to gain health. And through Patience, that what I now have, healthy growing, now longer hair.

In your Patience, you WILL possess your soul. :yep: For without your soul, there's no peace, no enjoyment of what was gained prematurely, no rest from still wanting God's best.

In your Patience, possess your soul....and much, much more. :rosebud: Amen.

Excellent Message Precious Wavy...:kiss: (I'm the 5 Star Angel....:giggle:)
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Okay...who's decided to pick on me today..... Hmmmmmmm, :rolleyes:. Just call me out into the open.

Ummmmmmm, I'm............w..a...i...t..i...n...g for someone to speak up.

Oooops, it's the Lord reminding me of something He told me years ago....

"In your PATIENCE possess ye your souls..." (Luke 21:19)

I love this scripture, for in my patience, I have possessed my soul many a time. I've gained more than if I had not waited. Who wants a cake undone? Or a runny egg that should be hard boilded. Who wants melted ice cream? Who wants to be with a man...not the one? I waited...and in my patience I possessed my soul. I gave nothing away neither lost my dreams to be cherished.

In my personal hair journey, I wanted long, healthy hair...like NOW! But it took me over a year to obtain what I have now gained. It took patience. Although there was growth, I had to CUT it, to achieve long hair that would STAY long hair. My hair had to gain health. And through Patience, that what I now have, healthy growing, now longer hair.

In your Patience, you WILL possess your soul. :yep: For without your soul, there's no peace, no enjoyment of what was gained prematurely, no rest from still wanting God's best.

In your Patience, possess your soul....and much, much more. :rosebud: Amen.

Excellent Message Precious Wavy...:kiss: (I'm the 5 Star Angel....:giggle:)

Thank you for that scripture verse, Shimmie. I needed to read that one as well...and what you have written.:kiss:
I know God is doing something with me. He is working it out for the good, because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose.

Everything that I have been going through within the last year, has been for my good. I know that the Lord has allow these things to bring me to a place of total and complete trust in Him.

Patience is something that we will always learn from. It's not something that we look forward too, that's for sure. But, the one thing that we can do is to forget those things which are behind, look forward to what lies ahead...pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus!

In my tears....I wait on the One who is able to save my soul. Selah.

In my deepest, darkest hour...He reveals Himself to me and picks me up and carries me to His throne room, where I may dance before Him and listen while He sings over me with His love. Selah.

In my waiting....I have patience because I know that He will rescue me! Selah.

Oh...my God and my King....how I long for that day when you come and rescue me and save me...yes, even from myself. For you long to comfort me...to give me, Shalom!!!

And, I wait..........
"In your PATIENCE possess ye your souls..." (Luke 21:19)

I love this scripture, for in my patience, I have possessed my soul many a time. I've gained more than if I had not waited. Who wants a cake undone? Or a runny egg that should be hard boilded. Who wants melted ice cream? Who wants to be with a man...not the one? I waited...and in my patience I possessed my soul. I gave nothing away neither lost my dreams to be cherished.

In your Patience, you WILL possess your soul. :yep: For without your soul, there's no peace, no enjoyment of what was gained prematurely, no rest from still wanting God's best.

In your Patience, possess your soul....and much, much more. :rosebud: Amen.

Excellent Message Precious Wavy...:kiss: (I'm the 5 Star Angel....:giggle:)[/quote]

This is beautiful.

I know God is doing something with me. He is working it out for the good, because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose.

Everything that I have been going through within the last year, has been for my good. I know that the Lord has allow these things to bring me to a place of total and complete trust in Him.

Patience is something that we will always learn from. It's not something that we look forward too, that's for sure. But, the one thing that we can do is to forget those things which are behind, look forward to what lies ahead...pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus!

In my tears....I wait on the One who is able to save my soul. Selah.

In my deepest, darkest hour...He reveals Himself to me and picks me up and carries me to His throne room, where I may dance before Him and listen while He sings over me with His love. Selah.

In my waiting....I have patience because I know that He will rescue me! Selah.

Oh...my God and my King....how I long for that day when you come and rescue me and save me...yes, even from myself. For you long to comfort me...to give me, Shalom!!!

And, I wait..........

ITA...This is so lovely.