Encouragement for our journey


Well-Known Member
This month marks a milestone for me. I will be celebrating 10 years of being saved. I actually came to know GOD when I was younger, attended church and got baptized but it wasn't until 97 when I did it on my own and really began my journey.

Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you all and myself because as you know, following Christ is not easy. In this day and age we live in, right is wrong and wrong is right. Many people have no regard for the Lord and His ways and count them as unholy. People who are on satan's payroll seem to have it all while us Christians seem to struggle.

But know that our reward is greater than anything the devil or the world can give us. We may not be rich by the world's standards but we have riches laid up in store for us. When I speak of reward, I not only mean things or money, I mean the reward of spending eternity with our Lord and Savior. So although we may spend our earthly lives here struggling, and pressing, know that we will spend eternity shouting, praising, and rejoicing.

Let's not forget that this is not our final home. We are aliens and will one day join our Father in our eternal home to live forever. Don't let the devil trick you or get you down. He too will have to answer to the Almighty. This is not to say we should not strive or expect to be successful while we are here. For us our path will be different. We won't do it the way the world does it. So it may take a little more time, or a longer path but what GOD has for us is for us.

I can honestly say in these past 10 years, everyday with JESUS is sweeter than the day before. I know now more than ever that HE is Lord. No matter what the trials or tribulations I face, if I never reach my earthly goals, if I am never rich, or write my book, or do the things I want to accomplish as long as when that day comes God looks upon me and says "Well done", it will be worth it. That will be my reward. That will be OUR reward. Be blessed. Q