Encounter at the Indian store


Well-Known Member
So, I was at the Indian grocery store stocking up on my Jamila henna, when this Indian lady passes by. She looked at the henna in my hand and said, "Oh, you like henna". I said yes, and she asked, "do you use it on your hair?" I said, "yes", all excited! :yep: I told her that I love the way it made my hair shine and the conditioning effects. She said, "well, if you add an egg to it is really good."

That's all I got (I know, I should have held her hostage and found out more), but she was headed to the meat market and I had to get my arse back to work. She was so nice, and I hope to run into her again or at least someone who is willing to share like she was.

Just thought I'd share.

**off to the grocery store to get another carton of eggs to add to henna and to eat!**

p.s. the henna was $2.29 a box, but since I bought three, (I guess) he rang them up for $1.99; it was a good day at the Madina Market!! :yep:
WOW!! I was actually going to henna tomorrow when I got off work. I was just going to add lemon juice and honey (it's my first time and I didn't want to overdo it, plus i'm something like a pj and I need to learn restraint! lol). But I may actually try adding an egg to it. I can't wait to see the results!
I'm going to henna tomorrow. My neighbor gave my mother three dozen eggs today so I'll definitely try it with the egg. Any thing to use them up. Eww but I hate the smell of raw egg I hope it won't make my head stink too bad.
Thanks for the responses, ladies!

MMpolk, you may want to add some EVOO, coconut oil and amla oil to your mix; henna can be very drying by itself. If you'd like my recipe, pm me and I will send it to you.

I've never used egg before, but I'll take the plunge and see how it turns out!