emu oil


I recently found articles online about emu oil that says it is great for hair loss treatment. It seems that the composition of the oil makes it easily absorbed by the skin and since it does not clog pores or grow bacteria it sound like a great scalp treatment. I ordered a two ounce boottle for 9.95 and hopefully it will help with the back of my head which is substancially thinner than the front. I also found a website www.shikai.com that sells a shampoo with no Sodium/Ammonia laurel sulfate, it main ingredient is water then aloe vera gel and something the company derived from the shikakai plant. I tried it yesturday and i liked the fact that not much of it made a lot of lather and my hair did not feel like straw after, so maybe it will work better than the other shampoos I have used. Anyone who knows anything about emu oil and Shikakai shampoos please post info.
I have never tried EMU oil but have read good things about it online. Please let me know how you like it.
Emu oil is a very nice oil that appears to have anti-inflammatory properties. Only problem is it's so darn expensive.