Emu Oil- What do you think?

Love EMU oil..... I use it multiple times a day

I mix MegaTek with Jojoba Oil, Emu Oil, Tea tree oil, and apply daily to the scalp.

And then I have made my own moisturizer with shea butter, aloe butter, avocado butter, jojoba oil, emu oil, sweet almond oil, evco......mmmmmm......:lick:

Emu oil has great growth properties for hair. Even Saleemah, owner of Healthy Hair Journey site, touts the benefits and research of emu oil!!!

Great stuff:yep::yep:
:love::love::love: emu oil. Pure emu oil is exepensive, but it has sooooooo many good health properties.

Emu Oil
Comes from the Australian Emu.
Extraction Method: Solvent.
All our Emu Oil is Fully Refined and Molecularly Distilled ~ Safety & Purity Assured. Molecular Distillation removes unwanted toxins such as heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, arsenic and other cancer causing toxins.
Origin: USA
Description: Emu oil is extracted using food grade solvents. Emu Comes from the Australian Emu.
Skin Properties:
*anti-inflammatory properties make it perfect for cosmetics
*does not have comedogenic properties (those leading to clogged pores and acne)
*reduces scarring from burns and cuts
*is reputed by Dr. Michael Holick, M.D, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine to increase both skin cell and hair follicle production
Joint & Muscle
*is reputed to help reduce swelling and joint pain, particularly in those areas where actual joints are closer to the skin such as hand, feet, ankles and knees.
*is reputed to reduce bruising and stiffness in muscles.
Color: Milky Yellow
Common Uses: Emu is an effective agent on dry irritated skin (and it won't clog pores!), the reduction of scarring, easing the discomfort of insect bites, reducing healing times of burns, and for the treatment of sore joints.
Consistency: Viscous
Note: Negligible
Strength of Aroma: Negligible
Blends well with: Emu is not typically blended with other essential oils, nor is it recommended.
Aromatic Scent:Emu can be considered almost odourless.
History:Emu oil is one of the most researched products currently available.
Cautions:None Known.
There is a lady on ebay that sells an emu oil - raw shea blend that is amazing. I use it for everything!!
I bought a small bottle of pure emu oil off of Ebay and I've been using it for different things.

I ordered a shampoo bar, shampoo and leave in conditioner from this emu farm place and I also ordered this shampoo and conditioner from Treasured Locks.

I've been using products with Emu oil in them for about a month and a half now but I haven't really seen much of a difference in my hair.
I wonder why emu oil and not chicken, lamb, or steak oil...isn't it basically just the oil from the meat?
One of the wicked women who specialize in infecting poeple with extreme cases of pj-ism wrote about emu oil when I first joined a couple of years ago. I purchased and used it while I was doing C&G - omg! I had hair growing in between my braids.
Emu oil is excellent for "waking up" hair folicles, moisturizing the scalp (and the skin). You can use it from head to toe. When my grandson was younger and was sick, he got a nasty diaper rash. My daughter had run out of her diaper cream, so I used emu on the baby's butt before he went to bed. In the morning, the rash was alomost completely gone - we were amazed; thus, emu oil is a staple in the household for numerous uses.

I remember it being soothing on my dry sensitive scalp. I had a small bottle, so I don't remember any standout growth from it, but it's supposed to be good for it
I use emu oil in my everything, body and hair products for years now. I think it is excellent for the skin more so than it is for the hair