Emergency!-Is this breakage?


New Member
Okay so I got a bit curious here and started to wonder what my hair looked like under my braids which I plan to take out in 2 weeks.So as I undid a braid my hair looked pretty spiked but when I combed in out it seemed like a lot of my hair came out with a chunk of buildup. I dont know if this is normal , something I've done wrong by washing too much if thats even possible? I was careful taking the braid out so I'm sure thats not it. My older sister told me not to panic but I cant help feeling like the growth wont matter because of what looks like a lot of breakage! It might just be shedding cause when I took out the build up and combed it out I didnt experience any more breakage and my hair seemed pretty strong.Just for your information, Ive had them in for more than 2 months .I plan to take them out in about 2 weeks because if I took them out in a couple of days I wouldnt know what to do since I have so much new growth. Any thoughts will be appreciated! Thank You!
seemed like a lot of my hair came out with a chunk of buildup

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SweetD, I think I know what you're talking about. I've seen this little knot of oil and lint (?) and hair at the base of braids when braids are left in for long. Even though I wear my braid continuously (read as long as one year even), I don't experience that because I am constantly redoing my braids, one at a time. So that as I get a bit of growth, I undo the braid and re-braid starting at the base where I have new growth. Apart from not giving my hair time to form a knot at the base, I also take the strain of carrying the weight of the hair-piece off that section of my hair. It probably takes me a week or two to redo all my braids. Sometimes I do three washes or so before getting through all of them (I wash my hair every four days).

Perhaps you could start teaching yourself to re-do the braids. You can have a hair stylist do them initially so the lines are straight and all and then undo one in the back and using the care you used, separate the hairs then hold the hair piece separated into three sections against your own and separate yours the same way then braid them together. The first time you do it, you may have trouble keeping the hair piece at the base of your hair, but with practice, you'll do fine.

I don't know if there's any other way to prevent the buildup... Don't know if rinsing forever after shampooing or conditioning will help? Sorry I couldn't help more.

[EDIT: I found another thread that covers a problem similar to yours. Check out Hair Crisis Help!!! HTH]
Thanks Nonie! Ok I've calmed down now! lol but the thing is it seems like a lot of breakage and I know for a fact I got inches of growth!2 INCHES in some areas and its just discouraging. The thing is I wouldnt know if it really broke off unless I got a perm done which I dont want to do. I just want to get my braids back in again.I want to keep
getting braids till I reach a length that I like which would be about brastrap and that would probably take about a year since last time I saw my hair it was a little past my neck but not much. It just really makes me question whether I should just get all my permed hair cut off and start off fresh again like when I was younger.....Anyways I had washed my hair today and my hair was somewhat wet which might have caused it.Any other replies are welcome!