Emergency help needed, scalp burns from Phyto!


New Member
:cry::( sniff, sniff, I have been using Phyto Index 2 for 2 years and I have NEVER NEVER EVER had a problem. I always do the same thing each time I relax...sniff sniff .I stretched for 15 weeks and then I relaxed my hair I never base my scalp because I have never burned with Phyto, but I just relaxed my hair the other night and It BURNED THE MESS OUT OF MY SCALP!!!!!
I didnt even get to leave it on for 15 minutes including the application time whereas I usually can leave it on for a good 25-30 minutes! I rinsed it out and I have really bad burns especially on the back left side my scalp was on fire!! It even hurt to sleep on that side last night.

so I checked my hair today and yeah I have about three or four large chemical burn scabs in the back of my head, and the front is terribly under processed.

I am so upset because I was so excited to relax my hair because I had about 2 inches of NG and I was hoping to make APL and use my new Sedu flat iron, I have a family reunion to go to at the end of the month!

But now I am concerned about how to treat this scalp burn and what will happen to those areas of my head. Will the hair fall out???:eek:

I cried after I relaxed my hair and I am still very upset, what can I do ladies?? Please help me......
Also Im feeling my head right now and those areas where there are burns the hair seems to be stuck to the scalp in like matted chunks, not huge chunks but I dont know it just is all jacked up!!!! What can I put on the scalp now to heal it?
Oh AND DID i MENTION and to top it all off my hair feels dry. UUUGHHHHH!!

I did a deep conditioning and I used Porosity control after the relaxer. Should I do something else now. And the big question is .....Do you ladies think my hair is going to fall out in those areas??? sniff sniff :confused: :cry:
Sorry that happened to you! For relaxer burns, I usually used some sort of drug store burn cream like neosporin. It dulled the pain and I had minimal hair loss after the scab flaked off.
dicapr said:
Sorry that happened to you! For relaxer burns, I usually used some sort of drug store burn cream like neosporin. It dulled the pain and I had minimal hair loss after the scab flaked off.

Yes, neosporin or any type of scar treatment cream (i.e. mederma or mederma type cream).

If you have some Vitamin E in your house (pure vitamin e, not mixed with another oil), start applying that to those burned areas and leave alone. It will heal. When you start to see the flaking that means the scalp is healing.

(so glad I have a cous who's a nurse who has helped me in the past)

It'll get better. Sorry that happened to you.:(

Also question: There was no chance of moistness with your scalp? Did you wash or condition was a few days prior to application?
:eek: oh yes!! my scalp may have been wet because I had been working out about a half hour before I relaxed my hair! I didnt think about that....I didnt know a wet/moist scalp could cause burning. Well, if so thats a relief because I really like phyto relaxer!
thanks so much monalisa!!!
Do not worry about the matting. It's your hair getting stuck in the platelets - your scalp is healing itself. You already know to be careful, use the neosporin, and take your vitamins to heal as fast as possible.

I hope you feel better soon.
Ummalhadiqah said:
:eek: oh yes!! my scalp may have been wet because I had been working out about a half hour before I relaxed my hair! I didnt think about that....I didnt know a wet/moist scalp could cause burning. Well, if so thats a relief because I really like phyto relaxer!
thanks so much monalisa!!!

I think that is exactly why your scalp was more sensitive. There was even a challenge once for ladies to workout, not only for health, but for scalp stimulation. And then the fact that it was damp, as well - that is why you burned.

I am so sorry that happened to you.
Ummalhadiqah said:
:eek: oh yes!! my scalp may have been wet because I had been working out about a half hour before I relaxed my hair! I didnt think about that....I didnt know a wet/moist scalp could cause burning. Well, if so thats a relief because I really like phyto relaxer!
thanks so much monalisa!!!

You're welcome. Just watch the sore areas...apply the ointment/Vitamin E each day...leave it be and your scalp will slowly heal itself. It will be okay.

Glad the reason was found. Just make sure your scalp is dry next touch up and you should have the results you always had prior to this bad one.

{{hair hug}}
MonaLisa said:
You're welcome. Just watch the sore areas...apply the ointment/Vitamin E each day...leave it be and your scalp will slowly heal itself. It will be okay.

Glad the reason was found. Just make sure your scalp is dry next touch up and you should have the results you always had prior to this bad one.

{{hair hug}}

MonaLisa has summed it all up very nicely for you. Sorry you experienced the burning.
I never ever do anything the day of relaxing because my scalp is really sensitive. Some people can workout and then relax and then some of us just burn like hell behind that combo! I'm sorry you're dealing with that. :(

Neosporin works well. Just be careful and not comb those areas too much while their healing.

Ummalhadiqah said:
I cried after I relaxed my hair and I am still very upset, what can I do ladies?? Please help me......
Grow your hair out and go natural so you don't have to worry about any more potential scalp burns. :)
Also if you are using MTG, which you appear to be doing based on your signature, make sure you don't use it between your last pre-relaxer wash and relaxer day. I got major burns that way but phyto is very gentle when I am careful with products which contain sulfur.
Thanks ladies for all your advice and support. I hear ya pooh bear, I know thats just what my hubby was thinking when I showed him. BTW your hair is gorgeous!
I never thought for a minute about the exercising would cause a problem! It seems to be healing nicely, I am applying some natural remedies from my favorite company http://www.sweetsunnah.com . I love their stuff.
I will continue with my old regime and try to now also deal withthe drynesss issue by doing a clarifying and DC.
I checked my lenght and I am stil about an inch from APL, the front really needs a corrective done but im not even going to chance it due to the circumstances. I will just baby my hair for the next 3 months.:(
Im really sorry that you experienced burns. Mo said all the best stuff. Ho wlong have you had the relaxer for? It wasn't old/out of date was it? It was probably the moisture in your hair that caused it. Use the black seed it oil it works wonders!
Let us know what happens Inshaa Allah

isnt it false advertising when they label it as all natural but then it burns like this?

to the OP, i am so sorry!!
That's terrible. I burn easily too. I've never felt so much as a tingle from Phyto. I hope it heals fast.