EMERGENCY!!! 5 year old graduation hair!


Well-Known Member
Ladies I need your help. My 5 year old niece graduates tomorrow and her Dad wants to take her to get her hair done. Is there a salon in the NYC area you recommend? Or a quick style you recommend I do at home?

she HATES getting her hair done... like seriously :nono: I'm worried she wont be able to take 2 hours sitting in anyone's chair. She is waistlength 3c/4a
@beana, Being as tho, she wears a cap, she needs to have a style that allows that! I was thinking a Ballerina Bun, but that went out the window when I remembered the cap situation.

Ummm, I'm thinking maybe the 2 "Prairie" style twists, with a cute bun in the back or maybe, the 2 Inside cornrows with fistails hanging down her back and intertwine some ribbon or hair strings with small flowers! HTH :rolleyes:




ETA: I was able to find some styles similar to what I am talking about, very cute for a small child yet elegant!
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Maybe a twistout, and pin it half up w some babys breath in it.. or a ballerina bun w/ little flowers around it, or a long fat frenchbraid w/ those lil pearl pins or sparkle pins or lil flowers in it?
Thanks ladies for the great ideas! I was going to press her hair out, but its too hard for her to maintain at night (silk scarf always slips off) and takes too long to do.

I'm thinking either flat twists in the front and a bantu knot out in the back or a twist out. Or two fishtail braids with pretty hair accessories.
Update: So my niece went CRAZY in the salon! He ended up leaving before they could finish the style. She was blow out about 50% dry. I hope she is not a tangled mess when i get home.
Update: So my niece went CRAZY in the salon! He ended up leaving before they could finish the style. She was blow out about 50% dry. I hope she is not a tangled mess when i get home.

beana, Aawww! I'm sorry to here that! It'll be ok, but you must tackle it before she lays down. Maybe go ahead and do the plaits! Lemme know how things work out!