Embarassing childhood hair moments !


Well-Known Member
I did a brief search on this to see if it had been done already and I didn't find anythng soooo... I thought it would be fun to share our embarassing / akward childhood hair moments.

Mine happened in the 3rd grade. My mom would do my hair before it was time for me to go to school instead of the night before because I slept pretty wild and would mess up my hair. Well she parted my hair and oiled my scalp and put it into ponytails then sent me on my way to school.

In my grade school we would always start the day with prayer and then the pledge of allegence.

This particular morning my teacher starts reciting the pledge of allegince in this fashion :look:

" I pledge the alligence to the flag"


"Of the United States of America"

(sniff sniff)

"And to the republic"

(sniff sniff sniff )

"for which it stands... (sniff) "Who has glovers mane in

their hair because it is really strong?"

Well I didn't know the name of the grease my mom put in my hair but I knew that it smelled bad and that everywhere I went I smelled burnt bacon :blush::lachen:
So of course I didn't raise my hand, I just acted like the rest of the class looking around to see who would admit it:look:

Later on that eveining I told my mom what happend and begged her not to use glovers mane in my hair any more and she didn't :lachen:
That was hilarious! I don't have a funny story, but I did have a jheri curl when I was a kid for about 4-months :nono:
Well I wouldnt call it funny but my mom would always give me 2 puffs. I would tell her I hated looking like mickey mouse but she wasnt listening.
When I was a kid, my friends used to ooh and ahhh over my hair thinking it was the prettiest stuff ever. I thought maybe because it was just long? Yea right.

I was such a ditz when I was a kid, really innocent and sheltered and knew nothing about the good hair/bad hair mess.

(little background) We lived in a black town. My friends went to public school and me and my sis went to a predominately white Catholic school outside town so I'd really only got to see my friends once me and sis got old enough to patrol the neighborhood by ourselves during the summer. (/little background)


My friends begged me to take out the plaits my mom put in so they could play in what they THOUGHT was my "good" hair. Stupid me obliged.

I can laugh about it now.

Let me tell you, once that beast got released, none of my friends - and I do mean NOT ONE OF THEM EVER wanted to make that mistake again. No one could put it back the way the found it. I was sooooooo :blush::blush::blush: and didn't even know why :grin:

My mom was so mad when I came home looking a hot mess.

Good hair/Bad hair was an itch-bay then and still is now. Thank God it's changing!
Not funny, but i remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the 6th grade. My mom had pressed my hair - not even a hard press and it was humid. Basically, my hair was a poofy mess. So - boy I secretly had a crush on begins to clown me about how could my hair already be messed up and it was only 2nd period!?!? :nono:
Tooooo many!

The worst one that comes to mind...

We had a 5th grade overnight camping trip. I was never responsible for my own hair then, and my mom always treated me like I had some kind of unthinkable, unmanageable, impossible hair :rolleyes:. So for the trip my sister gave me these 2 big weave braids on both sides of my head, and she wrapped around two of those bands with the big balls on the ends. Like these, but with bigger balls:


So during the trip, we were going horseback riding, and we had to put on helmets. Needless to say, a helmet wasn't getting over those big balls. And I was afraid if I took off the balls, then the weave would come out. :giggle: So I had to explain to the white male supervisor that I couldn't put on the helmet without taking off my balls, and if I took them off, my fake hair would fall out. :nono: All the other kids were looking at me like I was an untouchable. That was so humiliating. :nono:
My Mom saw a commercial where a white woman was using some kinda pink gel to roll her hair up with. Well, my mother gets the bright idea to use this stuff on my hair. (I didn't have a perm). I tell you, we were so doggone excited, cause I just knew that my hair was going to turn out to be straight, shiny and silky like the lady's hair on t.v. I was so nervous until I couldn't wait for her to remove the rollers and started frantically removing them too.

When all of the rollers were out, my Mom just looked at me with this puzzled look on her face. :perplexed She didn't say anything. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. :blush: I looked just like Buckwheat's sister. :wallbash:

So, mom tries to press my hair straight, but the more she pressed, the more my hair would draw up. She ended up having to wash my hair again.

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back in 7th grade my mom saw my hairline and freaked out

her hypothesis was that my hair was growing into my face and that the only way to stop it was to nair it. i am dark skinned, my hairline was light brown. i had to wear those old lady hair band nets to hide it. for some reason i let her do it to me 2wice. never again tho. that was just when i was coming up a lil in popularity, had my own lil clique

yea baby hair wasnt her thing
Well I wasn't a child but 20 something. I let my sister do my hair after she begged me. She thought she could do my hair like she did hers NOT! She could wet a brush with warm water apply a little hair dressing and smooth all her hair down. Weeelllll she applied the hairdressing and starting brushing my "all natural" hair with a wet brush. :nono: The next thing I heard was, "Why is your hair waving up",:lachen:poor thing kept trying to brush & grab it up in a ponytailI .....tried to tell her :lachen: I had to go to the BSS looking like Umm Fu Fu and buy a blow dryer because she didn't even own one, she never needed it.

Yes I have true protestor hair - it links arms and squats down.
Embarassing childhood hair moments. Which one???

My mother was certainly not a stylista (neither was/am I) when it came to hair. Her motto was "As long as it's clean, that's all that matters."

I didn't have bad hair days, I had bad hair spans. The span that stands out the most is from second grade until my senior year in high school. My mother used to put barrettes all over my head, and I'd put them in my coat pocket before I entered the classroom.

For my freshman year class pic in high school, my mother put my hair in a single braid. She started the braid from the back of my head and braided forward, so a piece of the braid was sticking up from the center of my head (even after she clipped it). Then she parted a bang that started from almost the middle of my head so that there was all of this hair going forward (she used to do this often). She also greased my entire head so, besides having a bad hair-do, my hair was also horribly stiff. That photo is also on my high school record. I still have that photo. I use it to console myself whenever I'm having a bad hair day. I just look at that photo and think, "However bad I think it is, it could always be worse."
Thank you ladies for sharing. I know that a lot of us can look back on our childhood (or more recent) pictures and wonder what was going on with the hair. It just shows us how far we have come from our "awkward" period until now.:)
My mom was pregnant with my sister when I was in 1st grade, My uncle flew into to watch me when it was near her due date. I remember her doing my hair that night because in the morning she was going in to be induced.
Well I was a wild sleeper and I took every last ponytail holder out while sleeping because the were bothering me
My uncle attempted to fix my hair and had me looking crazy with 3 randomly placed ponytails on my head.
He took me to school crying and puffy eyed and explained to my teacher that my mom just had a baby and I was going to be a big sister. She wanted me to share with the class and I refused because my hair was messed up. I was mean to everyone that whole day, I could have cared less about my new little sister.

ETA- story about my sis
In 1st grade my little sister cut one of six huge plaits my mom had put in her hair overnight. She said it was making her face itch so she got up and took scissors out of my desk and cut it off.
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Well since I was a daddy's girl........
My mom was away (probably on a shoppin escapade) on day and I wanted to go to the store with my daddy. My hair was a mess but I wanted to go anyway. Well my dad sat me between his legs and plaited my hair. When we got ready to leave for the store my hair was giving directions....meaning one plait was point up and one was pointing left! My brothers were :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:and saying how the wish mommy was there to see me!!

More embrassing moments:
Anytime my mother did my hair!! :lachen::lachen:
My sister had been doing my hair since she was 9.
Embarassing childhood hair moments. Which one???

My mother was certainly not a stylista (neither was/am I) when it came to hair. Her motto was "As long as it's clean, that's all that matters."

I didn't have bad hair days, I had bad hair spans. The span that stands out the most is from second grade until my senior year in high school. My mother used to put barrettes all over my head, and I'd put them in my coat pocket before I entered the classroom.

For my freshman year class pic in high school, my mother put my hair in a single braid. She started the braid from the back of my head and braided forward, so a piece of the braid was sticking up from the center of my head (even after she clipped it). Then she parted a bang that started from almost the middle of my head so that there was all of this hair going forward (she used to do this often). She also greased my entire head so, besides having a bad hair-do, my hair was also horribly stiff. That photo is also on my high school record. I still have that photo. I use it to console myself whenever I'm having a bad hair day. I just look at that photo and think, "However bad I think it is, it could always be worse."


I remember my best friend and I watching a video of us doing a Christmas play in Cuba. I was three, she was 5/6. I hadn't had a perm and I had one ponytail in the top with a lot of baby hair on my face and the back was in this curly afro. My friend LHAO talking about how my mom was trying to make it seem like I had good hair (she really does have a nice grade of hair :rolleyes:).

My mom actually went on to fulfill her cosmetology dream of making my hair a living nightmare :grin: Apparently, there were learning fingerwaves. I was the practice dummy everytime I got a fresh perm :perplexed She would style my hair neatly but I would either have baby hair or a bang finger-waved to the front of my head/face :sad:
I have way tooo many horror stories.

There was one time in junior high when i decided to do micro braids myself... but I wasnt all that good so by the end of the day there was a trail of braids dropping out of my head behind me as I walked home.

I loved to use brown gel on my hair all the time to slick it up into ponytails and stuff> Well one day I decided to go swimming witht htis stuff in my head. By the time I came out of the water the gel was all running down my hair and my face. It was disgusting.
I am so glad that I dont use that crap anymore.