Elucence X-tra Strength Relaxer - Review


Well-Known Member
My stylist applied this today. I used all my products. My verdict on this relaxer is that is more of a texturizer than a relaxer. The time limit for applying this is 15-18 minutes. She left it in for 20 minutes and I still have coils, although loosened quite a bit, they are still there. She smoothed quite a bit a lot, and I'm still underprocessed, especially at the crown.

There is no way that I could probably have completely relaxed hair within the allotted application time with this relaxer. I definitely don't want to go way over the recommended time and risk overprocessing. But odds are, at the rate this breaks down my new growth, I could probably go 30 minutes.

We used Elucence's Acidifying Shampoo, Moisture Shampoo, Deep Brilliance Reconstruct (love this, it really adds strength) and applied Sebastian Color shine in Gleaming copper. Rinsed that out, added DB Manage and Redken Heat Glide and flat ironed with a ceramic iron. My hair is okay but not as straight as I would like it to be. I will post pictures soon.

I don't know If I will use Elucence relaxer again, I have quite a bit left, but x-tra strength may be a good option for those who used the normal and was underprocessed. My hair is ultra coarse, and since I've been taking vitamins its even more resistant.

Wow, thanks. I really was hoping this strength would straighten a bit more. I really like Elucence so I may try the strength rather then give up on them totally. Thanks for the review!
I think Elucence Xtra Strength would be normal in any other relaxer brand. And their normal would be mild. My hair was very straight after flatironing, but I wish it could have been straight w/o flatironing.

Their products are excellent though, the moisture shampoo smells like a peach daquiri and I really like their balm. Great customer service too.
thank you, thank you, thank you, digital rain

girl, i've been waiting so long for your review. i cant beleive elucence relaxers suck that much. i'm definitely NOT going to try their exra strength esp if you had to use a flat iron to get your hair straight aferwards. i dont use heat so thats not an option for me. i know what you mean with having to leave it in longer. when i used the normal strength my hairdresser left that bad boy in for at least 25 minutes and my hair still came out underprocessed. i dont know what elucence was thinking when they came out with this relaxer. i emailed lisa pleasant about it and told her my results and what seems like everyone else's results with their relaxer and she went on and on about how the reason it didnt work for us is b/c we must apparently have been using no lye before and how their lye relaxers are not the same as no lye.i dont know why she assumed this cause i've used lye before and it got my hair perfectly straight. in conclusion i definitely wont be using their relaxer again. thanks for being the guinea pig digitalrain, i really cant afford to have underprocessed hair again.
Sorry to hear about your underprocessing. Since it happened with a lye relaxer, you'll probably be able to correct it down the road with another lye relaxer. When you're underprocessed from a no-lye relaxer, you're pretty much screwed since the resulting curl pattern is locked into the hair. In that case, a corrective relaxer can only condition the no-lye hair, not straighten it. Happily, that's not your situation.

You probably wouldn't have wanted to leave the relaxer on your hair for 30 minutes anyway, no matter how tame Elucence's relaxer was. Thanks for the heads-up on this stuff, though. Sounds like a relaxer that us 4s need to stay away from if we're looking for a relaxer and not a texturizer.
Hi DR~ I used Elucence's lye for the first time (that I know of) and I do have a small patch of little waves at my crown. Other than that, I love the way the rest of my head feels and would let my stylist use this again. I say this because I waited longer than I usually do in between touch-ups and my stylist was able to run through my hair a lot longer (about 4 times) than before and I honestly minimal burning.
I recently used the lye (normal) as well and my hair straightened out just right. My stylist purchased the smallest size at my request just so we could test it out and we both love the way it took. I will have this applied from here on out until I have a reason not too.