Elucence Users...


Well-Known Member
Does anyone like the Volume Acidifying Shampoo better than the Moisture Benefits?

As backward as it sounds, my hair felt MORE moisturized after using the Acidifying and thats supposed to be the clarifying poo :confused:

Has this been the case for anyone else?
I went to their website site and I see that they have a Moisture ACIDIFYING and a Volume CLARIFYING...I was all confused :confused:

I guess I am going to have to order the Volume Clarifying one now....but eithery way I liked the Moisture Acidifying one better....anybody else?
I have not tried the moisture acidifying, but I want to. I would just check the ph level on it, as the acidifying shampoo is used as a neutralizer for their relaxers I think.
i've only used the acidying poo after a relaxer but my hair seems just as moisturized with the clarifying poo than the reg. moisture poo. I thought that was weird but my hair likes it.
I have the volume clarifying and definitely don't like it better than the moisture benefits, although I do like it better than any other clarifying that I have tried. Haven't tried the acidifyng...