ELUCENCE...read this crock of BS...

pookeylou said:
I would have been hot too...

NOTE TO SELF: Buy Elucence when earth has dried up completly of water...and there is no more Crisco!

[/ QUOTE ]


Pookeylou, chica, there's a book out there waiting to be written by you! You have a fantastic way with words!
You are like the third person that has told me that...and I just finished my childrens book...thanks for the unexpected nudge that I am going in the right direction!
To be honest is there really an all organic product? Even the companies that use 70% organic ingredients use 30% on synthetic chemicals.
pookeylou said:
You are like the third person that has told me that...and I just finished my childrens book...thanks for the unexpected nudge that I am going in the right direction!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd love to see the finished product! I have a number of adorable nephews and nieces who love to read.

Sorry, Delightful Flame, for being so OT! There are so many talented members in this forum, it's tempting for me to go off-topic frequently.
Ya'll gon make me hurt myself from smiling so hard!!! It is my first book...I am reading it to some little ones tomorrow to get their reaction...I have an illustrator...the next step...(based on the kids reactions)...find an agent and send it to publishers...I will definitely keep yall up to date...

Thanks for the love...

"And now back to our regularly scheduled program...ELUCENCE SUCKS!!!!!"
I think it is unfair to blame Elucence for what Pleasant Image did, or is doing. If you really want to resolve this or at least discuss it, perhaps you should contact Elucence directly.


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CurlyCrly said:
I think it is unfair to blame Elucence for what Pleasant Image did, or is doing. If you really want to resolve this or at least discuss it, perhaps you should contact Elucence directly.


Have a question about our products, need product knowledge or information?
Contact our Service Center at:
6501 Julian Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Toll Free: 800-428-8073
Fax: 317-351-1329

e-mail: [email protected]

[/ QUOTE ]

How would the manufacturer be responsible for the vendor's advertising practices?

ETA: DF isn't blaming Elucence. She's upset with the false advertising and poor service she feels she received from a vendor, Pleasant Image.

Elucence lists all the ingredients on each bottle they produce.
That's my point exactly. The manufacturer isn't responsible, but there are several comments in this thread knocking Elucence. I posted the Elucence info so that if someone wanted to, they could make them aware of their "Exclusive" distributor's inaccurate statements. Afterall, this is not good advertising for Elucence either.

I know that the ingredients are listed on the bottles, but the ingredients on the website are not the same as the ingredients on the bottle. The products are not "natural" as they claim and someone seeking natural shouldn't have to see the bottle to determine that.
DelightFlame, that site was totally deceptive and it appears that was their intentions.

Have some of you guys that claim natural preservatives don't work actually made natural products. I have made body butter, pomades, lip balms, etc. If you add the right amount of preservatives, they can last for months. I had one batch that lasted for a year. I use grapefruit seed extract to preserve my products and it works really well.

I can't say what Aubrey does not indicate to me that Aubrey Organics does not utilize natural products. The FDA report states the following to me;

-- since you have claimed that your product will provide certain remedies, we need to reclassify the product. Unfo
-- it does state that there are ingredients that are in the product that are not on the label, but since the ingredients that are in the product are blacked out, i don't know if the ingredients are natural or not. for example, instead of jojoba butter they may be using jojoba oil. we don't know what it was replaced with.

As far as the lather, i use both the blue chamomile and the J.A. Y shampoo. both of the shampoos have low amounts of lather.

All in all, the report doesn't alarm. It just appears to me that they are not as sophisticated as some larger companies and may need some help organizing their plant.

I'm glad you've found a natural preservative that works for you. But making a fresh batch for yourself is not the same level as Aubrey Organics' mass distribution throughout this country - and I believe it also sells in Europe. Aubrey Organics is a pretty sophisticated manufacturer. Who knows how long it takes to transport massive goods from Florida to the various destinations? and how long do some of the products sit in the warehouse prior to transportation? and once the products arrive at the stores, how long before they each get on the shelf (since logistically, all of the AO products can't go on the shelf at once)? how long before the items sell? and once at the consumers' homes, how long before the items are used? (I know many of us have items lurking in our closet/drawer/etc. that we occasionally stumble upon and forget that we'd even purchased it.) My point is AO needs some type of preservative that will guarantee the products' integrity through a variety of conditions and time periods.

I accept that you didn't think the FDA warning letter was that bad. For me, it certainly wasn't enough to stop me from using AO products that work well with my hair. However, the part that caught my eye in the FDA letter was that AO

(1) Listed natural ingredients that weren't found in the product; and

(2) Omitted ingredients (natural or synthetic) from its list that actually were in the product.

If the gist of this thread centers around misleading information through omission, Aubrey Organics is also guilty. Everyone is entitled to their own conclusions about what they read. The important aspect, to me, is to get the information out there.

You know, the Elucence distributor in question is not alone in these practices. Aveda has been doing it for years. If you log onto Aveda's website, you will see only natural ingredients listed - no mention of the ingredients included on the actual product's label.
Actually, I think Curly has a point. I just realized that the incorrect information did not come from the Elucence site. It came from a distributor. DelightfulFlame, you might want to write to Elucence, explaining what happened and see where they stand.
@ Pookeylou, go girl! I have enjoyed your writing on another site also, and I'll buy your book anyday!
I don't believe Pleasant image is false advertising because they are not claiming Elucence to be an all organic product but they only list the natural ingredients on the Elucence product which can be misleading to the consumer. I guess the lesson to learn from all this is when in doubt "ask".

Nyambura, I totally agree with you with AO. That should be a concern for anyone if a company is omitting or including ingredients in their products that is not listed on their labels.
daviine, I don't know about ALWAYS, but it has been there for a while. I've been using the Moisture Balancing Conditioner for over a year. I don't know if it was there at that time, but it has been there for a while.

FYI: It says that there is hydrolyzed wheat protein in the conditioner and that is not true. I contacted Pleasant Image last spring to confirm that. It's still on the website. It's not a deal breaker for me and I still like the conditioner.
Whoa, I'm very sorry to hear about your situation with Pleaseant Image. I've never had a problem with pleaseant image nor Elucence products. I think their products are as good and natural as it's going to get...unless you make your own products in the kitchen. Honestly, IMO, they're more natural than any other salon quality product out there...
Nyambura said:
Delightful Flame ~

I'm sorry you had this experience with Elucence. It's one of my favorite brands, along with Aubrey Organics. You had asked SG what Aubrey Organics included to make its products less than 100% natural/organic. I'm a bit cynical when it comes to mass-marketed "all natural" or "all organic" personal care lines because:

1. "Natural" claims are not regulated by the FDA. No federal legal definition of "natural" currently exists; therefore, cosmetics companies can make term "natural" or even "all natural" to mean anything they want. Besides, by the time a plant substance is added to a cosmetic, gets preserved, stabilized and mixed with other ingredients, it loses most, if not all, of its natural characteristics...there's no way it can remain identical to what came out of the ground. (See FDA Consumer magazine, May-June 1998, rev. May 1998, Aug. 2000.)

2. Aubrey Organics has <font color="red">repeatedly run afoul of required FDA labeling regulations,</font> not only for making claims that would reclassify certain of its products as drugs, instead of as merely cosmetics, but also for <font color="red">listing natural ingredients on its label that did not exist in its formulas and the FDA found ingredients in Aubrey Organics' formulas that were not listed on its labels!</font> Repeated FDA investigations for non-compliance and inaccuracy of ingredient labeling does not bode well. FDA Warning Letter I have no idea what, if anything, AO has done to bring its products into compliance, but if its past performance (or lack thereof) is any indication...it's not good.

Marketing products as purely cosmetics, when some of them fall under the government definition for drugs, is misleading...and a bit troubling. How do we know they're safe and/or effective? AO did not run the requisite drug tests to insure such an outcome. Notably, the FDA standard for drugs is much stricter and more rigorous than the standard applied to cosmetics. AO's repeated violations in this area do not bode well for those who rely solely on the label for information (which is normally a reasonable thing to do).

AO has done an impressive job of getting many distributors (online and IRL) to parrot its press releases, but what the U.S. government and the industry trade rag reveal tells another story entirely. AO's FDA inspections were the subject of The Rose Sheet, an industry newsletter (warning: you have to pay for membership). Also, not good.

3. Regulatory violations aside, the "natural" preservatives AO uses - Citrus seed extract with vitamins A, C, &amp; E - have their own issues, mainly stability problems...which means relying solely on those ingredients to preserve the integrity of your product is a hit-or-miss proposition. In addition, none of those ingredients were listed on the FDA website as antimicrobial (i.e., fight bacteria).

...so all of this leads me to wonder:
<ul type="square"> [*]How "natural" is Aubrey Organics - if it's leaving ingredients out of its printed label? [*]...and just as importantly, has included natural ingredients on its labels that aren't in its formulas? [*]How safe is AO if its preservatives have a well-known history of instability? [*]How safe is AO without any proven antimicrobial ingredients? [*]...Notably, I've had *no* problems with deteriorating AO products, which leads me to wonder exactly what ingredients AO left off the list? [/list]

Given these concerns, it's up to each of us to determine whether to continue using certain products, or even certain brands. I, for one, love how Elucence and Aubrey Organics products perform on my hair and I am willing to risk exposure to the chemical compounds (Elucence) and the unknown (AO) until I learn otherwise.

Sorry this post was so long! Just wanna help!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the info! That was very eye opening!
CurlyCrly said:
I think it is unfair to blame Elucence for what Pleasant Image did, or is doing. If you really want to resolve this or at least discuss it, perhaps you should contact Elucence directly.


Have a question about our products, need product knowledge or information?
Contact our Service Center at:
6501 Julian Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Toll Free: 800-428-8073
Fax: 317-351-1329

e-mail: [email protected]

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point! Thanks!
Nyambura, just wanted to clarify that i did not produce them only for myself. I also distributed to a retail outlet and over the internet.

I understand it would be concern for many, but I am just providing another perspective from the other side.

I guess I am really suspicious of the blacked-out bars and the lack of response from the company. It just seems a little one-sided to me.

I too thought the ingredients listed were the only ingredients in each product. I never looked at the word "main" and knew there were other ingredients that are not natural. Well well,I won't be purchasing these products-I'm sticking to Lisa Akbari and Carol's Daughter from now on.