Elucence MB Poo/Con: My (relaxed 4a/b) Review


New Member
Hey ladies,

As some of you may remember I posted a thread saying I bought the Elucence MB set, the poo and con.

Well I tried it last night and I wanted to give a review to help some people out. My hair type is 4a with mostly strong 4bs. I am relaxed and I am armpit length, as of now. I am about 7 weeks post relaxer but I look about 10 or eleveb lol.

Well anyways. I pre-pooed as normal with a mixture of Keraphix+Humectress+coconut oil. Then I shampooed twice with the Elucence Moisture Balance Shampoo, adding a few drops of keracare's 1st lather shampoo to the first lather. I wanted to get the full effect of the poo/con so that's why I added a drop of clarify poo (keracare 1st lather) to my first lather.

After my second lather, I rinsed very well. The shampoo had a wonderful creamy lather and it smelled like peaches. The scent was a little overwhelming for me, because I don't like fruity scents in a shampoo. I like my shampoo to smell like, well, shampoo. But it was nice and the smell didn't linger much. It took a while to rinse out completely, but after I rinsed I noticed my hair felt a little stripped and not really moisturized. Well, not really stripped but very clean. I am going to try this again, and I am contributing that "too clean" may be due to the Keracare 1st lather drops, though I never have problems with it before.

Now, I deep conditioned my hair for 45 minutes under a plastic cap and under a hooded dryer. I slathered the conditioner on very generously and to my surprise it was nice and thick and it also smelled like peaches. But it wasn't overwhelming like the shampoo. After sitting under the dryer for 15 minutes, I took off the cap, to detangle, and to see how long I should remain under the dryer (I usually check to see if my hair has absorbed most of the conditioner). The con. didn't really help with detangling but it did help slightly. I put my cap back on, and conditioned for another 30 minutes. Once I removed the cap my hair was sssssoooooo soft. Like buttah!! I rinsed/detangled under the shower, and did a cold water rinse and my hair was still very soft.

Once I removed the towel, my hair was soo soft. I added more MB conditioner+Keracare Humecto for my leave-in and sealed it with Keracare Essential oils. My hair is sooo soft.

So all in all, I am going to try the shampoo again to get a fair trial about it. The conditioner, took a awhile for my hair to absorb (I contribute that to the thickness) but it was well worth it. Didn't help much with detangling, but because of the softness it was a lot easier.

This is an EXCELLENT no-cone conditioner for those who are going the no-cone route!

I don't know if I would purchase the conditioner again, because I have stuff the works just as good, but this may replace my humectress as a pre-poo/moisturizing concoction.

I give the shampoo (so far, I will bump this when I try it again on Thursday) a C- and the conditioner a flat B. I will be using the conditioner as a propoo mixed witht he keraphix. I am verrry hard to please by the way. I hope someone finds this helpful!
I am glad you had a positive experience with these products. Because they don't have cones, they do behave differently as far as slip/detangling properties. But for me they still provide moisture. I love Elucence and I keep these products in my rotation, it gives my hair a break from the cones.
Thanks for the review! I noticed that alot of naturals absolutely adored it and a few relaxed heads love it to. I actually ordered the poo and cond last friday. I will post my review here as well. But i did read a few people saying the poo wasn't as moisturizing as Kenra, so i ordered their acidifying poo instead.
The shampoo had to grow on me. The first couple of times that I used it, I was highly disappointed.

But I think that is a good point you guys raised about switching from a cone-product to one that has no cones.
Keracare is a staple line and so is Elucence. I think like Keracare it may take time to see the results.
peacelove said:
Are there crossover products for these in the Elasta line?

The Breakage Serum for Elasta is the same as the Extended Moisture Repair Treatment, IMO. I don't know why they feature Moisture so prominently in the name when it's really a protein treatment.

I'm not sure of any other crossover products.
macherieamour said:
Thanks for posting this. How do you think this compares to Keracare?

Hey Girl!

Well that's the thing that I am trying to figure out. I really enjoy keracare so I'll do the best comparison I can without being too bias. (sorry this is so long-winded)

The shampoo did a good job cleaning but like I stated earlier, it did a little too much cleaning. My hair felt slightly stripped. But when I use Keracare (even followed after the 1st lather poo) my hair feels so moisturized and detangled. Like I can run a comb straight through it. But after this shampoo there was no way that I can run a comb through my hair. But next time I use this, I am only going to lather once WITHOUT the 1st lather poo.

The conditioner is a lot thicker than Humecto (in the bottle). Usually I have to apply A LOT of Humecto to see the white, but when applying this conditioner the white was VERY apparent. It took a while longer for my hair to absorb this conditioner a little bit more. But, since this is low-cone the slip isn't that good. But the softness is the bizzomb! I would say it makes my hair a smudge softer than the Humecto, but Humecto has better slip for detangling and it also makes my hair uberly soft. Meaning, I would choose Humecto over this because I have problems with tangles.

So next time I use this, I am going to poo, condition with Humecto for 15 minutes, detangle, add Elu. MB, for another 20-25 minutes, and THEN rinse. That way I can have the softness and slip.

Def. worth a try!
IMPO.. It doesnt compare in my experience to Keracare..
If financially able, I would buy Keracare without thinking twice
Id only buy elucence if nothing else is available...

Sounds harsh, It just didnt do it for me, plus the elucence relaxer I used just didnt straighten my hair.. so they get a thumbs down from me..
Thank god for this post, I had my finger on the purchase button.

I really want an alternate line for keracare, mostly to change it up evry once and a while so my hair doesnt get used to it, but I cant seem to find anything that moisturizes, detangles and softens like it. Oh well:look:

Anywho thanks you guys for posting!
macherieamour said:
Thank god for this post, I had my finger on the purchase button.

I really want an alternate line for keracare, mostly to change it up evry once and a while so my hair doesnt get used to it, but I cant seem to find anything that moisturizes, detangles and softens like it. Oh well:look:

Anywho thanks you guys for posting!

You know Keracare is my staple too and I switch it off with Elucence but I think I found something similar to Keracare. Actually I have 2 that I love. Essations Moisture Sheen Conditioner and CB Smoothe Triple Smooth are both the bomb and give me similar results to Keracare. I haven't tried their shampoos yet so I can't exactly vouch for those. I get both from Irbys. Unfortunately it the Essation only comes in 64 ounces so it's probably too big for people just trying it out. Anyhoo I love it.
macherieamour said:
Thank god for this post, I had my finger on the purchase button.

I really want an alternate line for keracare, mostly to change it up evry once and a while so my hair doesnt get used to it, but I cant seem to find anything that moisturizes, detangles and softens like it. Oh well:look:

Anywho thanks you guys for posting!

try kerastase products.
Glad you like the conditioner, MizaniMami. I absolutely adore both the shampoo and the conditioner. i'm sorry that you weren't as blown away by the shampoo :(. aside from NTM, it's the only shampoo that never leaves my hair feeling stripped.
I got my order in yesterday. I used the clarifying volume shampoo first and it was very gentle and did not strip my hair like most clarifying shampoo's do and the smell is intoxicating then I used the MB shampoo and it made my hair so soft and you only have to use a little bit and it lathers like crazy. Lastly I used the MB conditoner as a deep conditioner and I keep touching my new growth because I can't believe how soft it is; my hair feels sooooo.... good.I have been using the Keracare line but I decided to try something different out of curiosity and Im so glad I did. This stuff really delivers. Thanks to all the ladies that recommended these products:kiss:.
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I'm glad you had a good experience w/ these products. I love Elucence, especially the conditioner. We have the opposite results from the condish though. I found that it gives me the best slip ever. It really helps w/ detangling for me, I couldn't go w/o it. I only use it as a leave-in though. Have you tried it that way? It's really good.

It's funny, everyone says Elucence smells like peaches. I just can't smell the peach, lol, I wish I could. I can't really describe what it smells like to me but it dosen't smell that great. I don't care though cuz I still love it.
Pokahontas said:
I'm glad you had a good experience w/ these products. I love Elucence, especially the conditioner. We have the opposite results from the condish though. I found that it gives me the best slip ever. It really helps w/ detangling for me, I couldn't go w/o it. I only use it as a leave-in though. Have you tried it that way? It's really good.
It's funny, everyone says Elucence smells like peaches. I just can't smell the peach, lol, I wish I could. I can't really describe what it smells like to me but it dosen't smell that great. I don't care though cuz I still love it.
No I did not use it as a leave in because I'm about to relax so I dont put anything much on my hair but I will try it as a leave in after I relax. I smell the peach scent in the shampoo but not in the conditioner. What about the other products that Elucence has. Has anyone tried their other products if so what is your take on them?