Elucence lovers


I just wanted to know who currently uses and like Elucence products, especially their moisture benefits shampoo and moisture balance conditioner.
here here, used the conditioner last night, but hair is super soft--i use a lot though & leave a little bit in via a cold rinse.
Love this product. Shampoo smells so good that it makes you wanna drink it down.
These have been on my "list" for so long... But I'm on restriction right now... These are definitely two of my next purchases...
The smell is absolutely lovely with both the moisture balance shampoo and conditioner. BUT - this turned out to be a big miss for me. Perhaps because I'm natural with very thick hair, but this stuff doesn't cut it at all. I'm actually giving my 3 full bottles away.

The clarifying shampoo however is AMAZING and smells even better than the moisture balance poo and conditioner. Its a tea fragrance and not as fruity.

A nice mixture that I've "created" is taking 1 part Moisture Balancing Poo with 1 part Lanza Protein Plus shampoo = heavenly tropical scent & a good way to mix moisture with protein. This will get rid of the bottle of poo I've already began to use.
I am lover of shampoo and conditioner. Natural product with excellent ingredients. Gives hair great softness. :D
Me! I liked them both the first time I used them (especially the shampoo), but I've really gotten to like them after using them consistently over time. :yep:
Elucence is the bomb. The shampoo is not harsh and the conditioner can be used as a deep and/or leave in conditioner.

Get the large bottles and they last for months.
I've been using the conditioner for my CW daily now.. I bought a gallon of the shampoo sometime last year and I still have it.. I don't use poo anymore since I'm CW..but I have a son who's a wavy and uses it.. it's makes a good bubble bath too..:lol:
I love this stuff!!! I just recently started using their products. I was at 9 weeks post relaxer. Please note that I my hair is difficult to comb at 6 weeks post relaxer and I always lose strands of hair around this time because of the combing difficulty--- even with the use of detanglers, etc. I used the shampoo and as soon as I put it on my hair--- instant softness. My hair just melted. It made my hair very soft and very easy to comb. I followed up with the Conditioner and Elixir. I was in hair heaven!!! No tangles!!! I love the stuff. I know it will be a staple in my regime, especially when I am strecthing my relaxer. I purchased the smallest bottle but now I plan to order the largest size available. Just in case you have not noticed--- I LOVE THIS STUFF!
OK... you ladies are the reason that I am a PRODUCT JUNKIE... I have to literally walk away from my computer right now so I won't order this stuff... :ohwell:
Love, love, love Elucence MB shampoo, conditoner, protein treatment, and relaxer! All my staples! :)
I love the shampoo, conditioner, protein treatment and silk hydrating elixir. I have the relaxer but haven't used it yet.
Huge Elucence lover here. I have never used a product that has worked so well with my hair. The shampoo smells delicious. Both the shampoo and conditioner provide incredible slip and moisturization. More slip and moisturization means more hair stays on my head. Since I started using these two products, I have been able to cut down on the number of products I use on my hair. My hair is softer and silkier than it's ever been. The more I use these products, the more manageable my hair is. I can't believe what a difference these products have made with my hair. I LOVE Elucence!

I always purchase the largest sizes because I hate running out. I currently use the shampoo, conditioner, moisture barrier balm, and the silk elixir. I am going to try the shine spray. The only other hair product I use now other than Elucence is the Salerm 21. Sometimes I will use the Jasons Aromatherapy Massage Oil on my hair for a light shine. (The silk elixir doesn't give me any shine, it just keeps the cuticles in tact.) The moisture barrier balm is a bit heavier than the liquid oil. Once I order the shine spray I may not have to use either the Massage Oil or the Moisture Barrier Balm.
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Hey There!!!!!

Ok ladies I encountered your site about a week ago... and I was just floored...I can say LOVE It.. :grin: ... In such a short amount of time I have learned soooo much.... But also I am a Product Junkie big time! Since seeing the site I have purchased Shapley's MTG and accept the challenge ( made my hair feel great but gosh does it stink high heaven) :eek: Smokey Bacon! Then I purchased the Eulcence MB shampoo and conditioner plus the extended repair treatment the ingredients look wonderful and natural with great Slip...(waiting gleefully for its arrival :p ) .... Why because you ladies love it and claim no regrets... So I can take that chance for better!
Happy to have found a place where others can understand my own Quest for healthy hair..... :yay:
Luvableboo said:
Hey There!!!!!

Ok ladies I encountered your site about a week ago... and I was just floored...I can say LOVE It.. :grin: ... In such a short amount of time I have learned soooo much.... But also I am a Product Junkie big time! Since seeing the site I have purchased Shapley's MTG and accept the challenge ( made my hair feel great but gosh does it stink high heaven) :eek: Smokey Bacon! Then I purchased the Eulcence MB shampoo and conditioner plus the extended repair treatment the ingredients look wonderful and natural with great Slip...(waiting gleefully for its arrival :p ) .... Why because you ladies love it and claim no regrets... So I can take that chance for better!
Happy to have found a place where others can understand my own Quest for healthy hair..... :yay:

Welcome to the forum Luvableboo!!!

I use the MB Conditioner--I like it. I don't know that my hair is much different but it has a nice slip to it and the price isn't bad for the HUGE bottle that I got from Naturallycurly.com. :)

Oooh didn't know they had a protein treatment! Interesting! :)
baglady215 said:
OK... you ladies are the reason that I am a PRODUCT JUNKIE... I have to literally walk away from my computer right now so I won't order this stuff... :ohwell:

Yes yes. I just joined this site the other day and I have purchased a gang of products and I am now waiting on my Elucence shampoo and conditioner as we speak. I am officially broke :( so they will be no more purchases......until Friday at least ;)