Elucence- Good Moisture, No Slip

Priss Pot

Makeup + Bench Pressing
My quest continues to find the perfect shampoo/conditioner combo, or at least a set that has a damn good conditioner. Elucence does have great moisture, but no slip. I can only detangle after I apply a creamy leave-in. ::sigh:: Now, I have these 2 big liter bottles that I don't know whether to keep or what. I have the Kenra Platinum Shampoo/Reconstructor (Conditioner) that gives me moisture and slip, well the conditioner does. The only thing is that they don't come in Liter bottles :perplexed. They only come in the regular sized "box shaped" bottles which are $15-17 per bottle. Maybe the Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditoner are good, but the Kenra MC & Elucence MB Conditioner have somewhat the same ingredients from what I saw.......I really don't know what to do. Maybe I should just stick with Paul Mitchell's Instant Moisture Shampoo & Daily Treatment.
yeah, I think I'll try the Kenra and if I like that better, I'll give the Elucence to my mom or somebody.

ETA: I'm just gonna stick through the Elucence. I can't keep buying product after product, I need to be consistent. If after I'm done with Elucence, and I find that I can't handle it, then I'll move on to something else. Until then, I'm gonna stick with it :) whew, tryin to stay consistent is somethin, I tell ya.
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Yes, I too am a victim of the 2 big liter bottles of Elucence MB, no slip conditioner just sitting in my product collection with no where to go.

The sad thing about this is that this conditioner USED to give tons of slip. It used to be a tad thinner, even more moisturizing and gave CRAZY slip! Then they thickened it up and maybe did some other things to it that we don't know about and the slip disappeared. It makes a good leave-in if that's any consolation to you. Though it would take you 10 years to use those 2 liters as leave-in conditioner.

I think you will be much more pleased with Kenra. The ingredients are actually quite different from Elucence MB. I would even say that the Kenra ingredient list is less impressive than the Elucence list, but the Kenra conditioner runs circles around the Elucence product. :yep:
Thanks, Supergirl. Maybe it does work better as a leave-in. I'm already lovin my Rusk Sensories Smoother Leave-in, though. Ah well, I'm gonna try to finish off this Elucence.
TSU...sorry the Elucence didnt work out great for you. You already know I am a Kenra junkie. LIke supergirl said...the ingredient list might not be as impressive....... but I like it.

As you know, I am looking for the perfect con also but I do love my Kenra and Nexuss. Just looking for something with better ingredients. But I might be using these for a long time.

**We all know those liters last a LONG time. I have two of those from the a Kenra sale back in May. So that is going to be my con for a minute anyway! lol*
Sorry it didn't work for you. Put them up on the board and see if you can swap. 2 weeks ago I had a liter of Kenra conditioner that I put up for sale but if I had seen that you had Elucence I would def. have swapped them.

It's actually opposite for me, Elucence has slip and moisture for my hair and Kenra has zero slip (I regret buying the 2 for $28). It actually started breaking my hair when I used it for CO washing, even when I thinned it with water. I ended up giving the Kenra to my sis. in law.
Wow, Elucence doesn't give slip to some people? I get amazing slip from it, but it does work a little better as a leave in for me. I've heard great things about Kenra, I'll be trying that next, but I will keep Elucence in stock!
aileenadq said:
Um, WTH? They reformulated the MB conditioner? Please somebody tell me it's not true! :(

as far as reforumulating the Elucence MB Conditioner, I don't think they did. I just thought that the Elucence MB Conditioner & Kenra MC had somewhat of the same ingredients, but they don't. lol, oops. didn't mean to stir up any confusion, lol.
During my lunch break, I went to Trade Secret to buy some Kenra. I purchased the liter sizes in the Moisturizing Shampoo & Moisturizing Conditioner. I was surprised that they were on sale 2/$28 since the other Trade Secrets in the city don't have the Kenra on sale. Anyhoo, I bought both, and I'm gonna try them both tonight. Hopefully they do work because I'm tired of searching. I want to find something that WORKS and stick to it.
I have never tried Kenra but I really LOVE Elucence; after washing with the shampoo and conditioning w/Elucence, the comb glides thru my hair. Elucence shampoo has replaced CON as my favorite shampoo, and my hair thrives with the Elucence conditioner

nurseN98 said:
Sorry it didn't work for you. Put them up on the board and see if you can swap. 2 weeks ago I had a liter of Kenra conditioner that I put up for sale but if I had seen that you had Elucence I would def. have swapped them.

It's actually opposite for me, Elucence has slip and moisture for my hair and Kenra has zero slip (I regret buying the 2 for $28). It actually started breaking my hair when I used it for CO washing, even when I thinned it with water. I ended up giving the Kenra to my sis. in law.
I have never tried Kenra but I really LOVE Elucence; after washing with the shampoo and conditioning w/Elucence, the comb glides thru my hair. Elucence shampoo has replaced CON as my favorite shampoo, and my hair thrives with the Elucence conditioner

nurseN98 said:
Sorry it didn't work for you. Put them up on the board and see if you can swap. 2 weeks ago I had a liter of Kenra conditioner that I put up for sale but if I had seen that you had Elucence I would def. have swapped them.

It's actually opposite for me, Elucence has slip and moisture for my hair and Kenra has zero slip (I regret buying the 2 for $28). It actually started breaking my hair when I used it for CO washing, even when I thinned it with water. I ended up giving the Kenra to my sis. in law.
TSUprincess04 said:
During my lunch break, I went to Trade Secret to buy some Kenra. I purchased the liter sizes in the Moisturizing Shampoo & Moisturizing Conditioner. I was surprised that they were on sale 2/$28 since the other Trade Secrets in the city don't have the Kenra on sale. Anyhoo, I bought both, and I'm gonna try them both tonight. Hopefully they do work because I'm tired of searching. I want to find something that WORKS and stick to it.

Girrrrrrrl, you gone get enough of buying the liter sizes of stuff you are trying to test out for the first time :lol: :lol: :lol: I never buy the liter of anything until the sample or smaller ounced bottle gets the :up: first . . . That way, if it doesn't work out you won't be out much money or be stuck with a ton of product that does absolutely nothing you like. You can always sell it course, but I'd rather save the trouble and buy small to begin.

Also, give your hair a chance to really yay or nay your products. Some products take weeks/months for a true determination of their effectiveness to be guaged. I think it was Macherie that said it took her 6 months testing out her KeraCare before she knew she'd struck gold. Now if the product is washing tons of your hair down the drain in the first use then yeah-- kick it to the curb--:lol: but do give your products a chance. And let us know how it goes with the Kenra!
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Ms Jetsetter, your hair is lookin' good, girl!!

Tsu Princess, I have the same problem. I use the Elucence as well, and after a couple of months, the slip was really not that great. So I clarified thinking that it would help, but it didnt. And I tried the Kenra conditioner last month and didnt like it. So I dont know what Im gonna do. Im just gonna buy some cheap conditioner like Cream of Nature Nourishing that I saw at Walmart yesterday. Why is it sooo hard for me to find my holy grail conditioner???? I dont ask for much...:confused:
I also really like the Elucence MB Conditioner for moisture and it has a nice fragrance, but I get much more slip from Kera Care Creme Conditioner. It was definitely not as easy to detangle my hair after conditioning with Elucence as it is after detangling with Kera Care. Maybe I will use the Elucence on my ends as a leave-in.
the Elucence conditioner has gotten better for me now. It now offers some slip. The MB shampoo, I love, and the conditioner is now growing on me. I like this combo.
I recently bought the Elucence MB conditioner and shampoo. I really thought that these would be my HG, but unfortunately, they both didn't work out for me, either. The shampoo stripped my hair, and the conditioner wasn't all that, either. They were hyped so much on lots of hair boards, but everyone's hair is different. It sucks, though, because I bought a liter-sized bottle of the conditioner, and I don't even like it. I guess I'll just use it for deep treatments. I've recently found my HG shampoo and conditioner, though. :-)
Ebonygurl what is your HG shampoo/conditioner? I am sorry about your results with elucence I guess everyone's hair truly responds differently to different products....

Ebonygurl00 said:
I recently bought the Elucence MB conditioner and shampoo. I really thought that these would be my HG, but unfortunately, they both didn't work out for me, either. The shampoo stripped my hair, and the conditioner wasn't all that, either. They were hyped so much on lots of hair boards, but everyone's hair is different. It sucks, though, because I bought a liter-sized bottle of the conditioner, and I don't even like it. I guess I'll just use it for deep treatments. I've recently found my HG shampoo and conditioner, though. :-)
Supergirl said:
Yes, I too am a victim of the 2 big liter bottles of Elucence MB, no slip conditioner just sitting in my product collection with no where to go.

The sad thing about this is that this conditioner USED to give tons of slip. It used to be a tad thinner, even more moisturizing and gave CRAZY slip! Then they thickened it up and maybe did some other things to it that we don't know about and the slip disappeared. It makes a good leave-in if that's any consolation to you. Though it would take you 10 years to use those 2 liters as leave-in conditioner.

I think you will be much more pleased with Kenra. The ingredients are actually quite different from Elucence MB. I would even say that the Kenra ingredient list is less impressive than the Elucence list, but the Kenra conditioner runs circles around the Elucence product. :yep:

They changed my beloved Elucence!:eek: This product always gives me crazy slip like no other! I only use it as a leave-in though so I agree with you on that. I use it strictly for it's detangling purposes. I don't get the greatest moisture from it though. I get better moisture from Giovanni Direct.