Elasticity in Hair Strands


Well-Known Member
Hey, y'all! Happy new year! :party: Ready for 2014? I am! :grin:

This year, hair wise, I'm just waiting for growth and maintaining my hair's retention. I've always wanted to achieve elasticity in my hair but it's been so tricky. I know about moisture-protein balance but it's not doing it for me for some reason... I don't think? Anyway, I was just wonder if you had small tips that could help me out! I'm not big on a high maintenance regimen so if you have simple tips, please let me know!
You want elasticity meaning stretch? Have you tried changing your protein or incorporating ceramides in your regimen?
You want elasticity meaning stretch? Have you tried changing your protein or incorporating ceramides in your regimen?
Yes, to stretch, Saludable84. Some of my strands stretch and some just don't. Usually the more course strands don't. I do have products with ceramides but I do not consciously use them on a regular basis.
Aireen, I have nothing to add (yet) but just trying to figure out what you're trying to achieve -- I see Saludable84 asked you a question but I'm still a little confused. You want your strands to be able to stretch without snapping?
Yes, to stretch, Saludable84. Some of my strands stretch and some just don't. Usually the more course strands don't. I do have products with ceramides but I do not consciously use them on a regular basis.

Honestly, I have the same issue because I have combination medium to thick strands. I just usually leave my DC's in for an hour or use some ceramides (but not a huge amount). My course strands don't have much stretch either, but usually do before I do a protein treatment or if I leave conditioner in a tad longer than I need too. Also, using DC's with a small amount of silk protein helps.

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@Aireen, I have nothing to add (yet) but just trying to figure out what you're trying to achieve -- I see @Saludable84 asked you a question but I'm still a little confused. You want your strands to be able to stretch without snapping?
Yes, I want them to stretch and bounce back a bit, @divachyk. My fine strands kind of do it but my course strands don't have any give.

Hmmm so maybe that's my problem, @Saludable84. The lack of conscious use of softer proteins and ceramides. I usually go for keratin or collagen. Maybe I'll buy some grapeseed oil since a lot of people seem to like that and add it to my conditioners for a little while.
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Aireen, the coarse strands tend to snap vs. stretch, right? The only thing that helped my coarse strands was leaving texture behind to strengthen the hair.
Aireen, the coarse strands tend to snap vs. stretch, right? The only thing that helped my coarse strands was leaving texture behind to strengthen the hair.

I'm more than sure Aireen is natural, it grapeseed oil actually did give me a little stretch. Silk protein helps as my softening protein as well.

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My understanding about elasticity is that it is a balance of protein and moisture. I do a stretch test regularly to keep within a decent range of balance.
Aireen I know you love Millcreek and so if you use too much protein (especialy millcreek which would take a lot to give 'ME' protein overload) you could be out of balance. To get more elasticity you likely need more moisture DC's in your regimen.
I'm actually relaxed, @Saludable84. I'll be picking up some grapeseed oil soon to try, for now do you think EVOO would be a good substitute?

Wash, condition, blow-dry, virtuenow. I add a bit of serum to protect my hair from the heat. I'm trying to use more moisturizing DCs to give my hair more elasticity but the course strands just snap.

I noticed that I use Millcreek a lot after I relaxed so I think my hair is a little off balance, Nix08. Thanks for your reply, I'll continue with the moisture and add oil to it for more nourishment.
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I'm actually relaxed, @Saludable84. I'll be picking up some grapeseed oil soon to try, for now do you think EVOO would be a good substitute?

Wash, condition, blow-dry, virtuenow. I add a bit of serum to protect my hair from the heat. I'm trying to use more moisturizing DCs to give my hair more elasticity but the course strands just snap.

I noticed that I use Millcreek a lot after I relaxed so I think my hair is a little off balance, Nix08. Thanks for your reply, I'll continue with the moisture and add oil to it for more nourishment.

Girl, I thought you were natural all this time. Ive used EVOO in small amounts with success on dry hair. Also, which Millcreek do you use. The biotin and collagen had my hair stiff, but the keratin didn't.
Stuff with elastin and collagen, I would presume, ie Nexxus Emergencee or Toque Emergencia. I agree with the ceramide rec's too.
Girl, I thought you were natural all this time. Ive used EVOO in small amounts with success on dry hair. Also, which Millcreek do you use. The biotin and collagen had my hair stiff, but the keratin didn't.
Saludable84, not the first time I heard someone mistake me for a natural. :lol:

I use both actually, I do feel like the biotin + collagen one is the stronger of the two. I think I was using that one too much which is what might be making my hair less elastic instead of more. I'll use the EVOO for now until I get my hands on some grapeseed.
Your hair is not protein sensitive right Aireen? I don't want you incorporating more protein and it leads to dry, snapping hair. Maybe try ceramides first, lesser of the two evils. Aubrey GPB (as virtuenow mentioned) and Ion Effective Care (red label from Sally's) work great for my hair. I'm low porosity and go for milder protein treatments though.
Your hair is not protein sensitive right @Aireen? I don't want you incorporating more protein and it leads to dry, snapping hair. Maybe try ceramides first, lesser of the two evils. Aubrey GPB (as @virtuenow mentioned) and Ion Effective Care (red label from Sally's) work great for my hair. I'm low porosity and go for milder protein treatments though.
Oh my hair isn't protein sensitive, it loves protein, I just think I overdid it. :look: I'm definitely going to try oils and ceramides first. I'm stretching so this is the perfect time to lay off the protein. Thanks, divachyk. :grin: To reply to what you said in the challenge, I'm gonna just treat my hair by adding oils for now just to make things simple and easy and not do too much.