Elasta QP


Happily retired
Have you ladies seen this product? Any reviews??


Sorry so blurry. :blush:

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the 1st time i used it was on a twistout frohawk....it was really moisturizing...then the next couple times i used it i hated it, my hair felt coated and nasty & dry....then i tried it again on a WnG and i liked it, but then the next day i tried the same thing after a cowash and i hated it, so i wasnt going to use it anymore...then a couple of months ago i was trying to use up the jar so i used it for a couple of weeks and had consistently good results...i think its worth a try...it smells delicious. i prefer using it on dry or damp hair, but not wet hair. and you dont really need to seal because of the oils in it. i think the times where i hated it, i was using too much and sealing with oils too.
I use it daily and my hair loves it. I seal with castor oil on my ends just because I am anal about keeping them healthy. I also use it on damp/dry hair. And even with daily usage my jar is about 1/2 gone and I've had it for 2 months...a little goes a long way!

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I tried it for a little while when it came out...it did impart some moisture, but I got build up quickly so the moisture didn't last.
this was one of the FIRST products ibought when ifirst joined this forum:)

ilovee the smell of it :love: and it made my hair feel moisturized:)

but ididnt care for all the parabeans in it so iditched it and am using more natural hair products :ohwell:
The PJ in me got activated when I went to the bss 4 a new half-wig. I'm glad I didn't give in to the urge to purchase. :lol:

Thanks ladies!!
I bought it a couple weeks ago but haven't used it yet because I'm trying to finish up my other moisturizer. I love the smell.
I used it during my transition and it was great. Like a PP said, it worked best for me on dry hair. At the time, I didn't know what sealing was so I never did it and I feel like the moisturizer kept my hair pretty moist for about 3 - 4 days or so. The smell is diviiiiiine. The only reason I stopped using it after I ran out is because of the price and the fact that I try to use more natural products now.