Elasta QP Mango Butter


New Member
Has the following product been discontinued in BS (Elasta QP Intensive treatment Mango Butter Moisturizer)? I'm having a hard time finding it in Houston, TX. I had to order online. There was a BS that was selling it, but they told me the company discontinued the product, but I go to the website and find this material. Just wanting to know....
I don't think it's been discontinued. However, they have changed the formula. Olive oil has been added. Not sure if they added or took away anything else. I do like the new formula as much as the old. It's creamier too.
im in houston, i see it at almost every bss on the north side, but i got the jar im using now from a store on griggs rd,
I still see the new and old formulas in my BSS priced $4.99 to $6.99.
I think is still available you just have to shop around.