Elasta QP mango butter

I've used it before.. it's okay by itself, but I really like it mixed with my ORS Carrot Oil.. I give it a 6.5... ive used better.
I like it a lot on my edges, not my ends. The only compliant I have is that it doesn't blend in with my hair...it leaves its whitish color on my hair. I tried adding water but that didn't help.
i really like it. doesn't leave an oily build up on my scalp and it softens well. i like it even better mixed with my favorite products: castor oil, salerm 21, ntm serum. i will prolly buy more when i run out. directions say to apply daily concentrating on ends.
I love this mositurizer for my ends. I used it dry 'cause it worked better that way than damp or wet and I didn't really mix it with anything...maybe I should. It even kept my ends moist in the winter when I foolishly left them out to blow in the wind. I hated profectiv breakfree 'cause it was way too oily and my hair didn't absorb it, but to each her own
It works perfectly on me right after I finish washing and deep conditioning my hair. While my hair is still wet, I apply the mango butter liberally, then comb into a bun. Hair stays put and dries softly.
YES!! I love it. I ran out so I need to get some more. The only complaint is that there is no large size jar. Other than that I keep it as one of my favorites.
I like this stuff, I use it for twists mostly. I will be experimenting with other uses for it as I just started using it recently. It smells really good!
The jar is small, but a little goes a long way. I paid $5.99 for it and I don't know if that's too much or not. Probably is since I got it from the bss...
Karonica said:

[/ QUOTE ] I have to agree with you I put some Mango butter on my ends and proceeded to comb and some of my hair was coming out. This only happens with creams and not with oils.
I think it works best for people with natural hair. I found it to be very thick and adds no sheen or luster to my hair. It also weighs my hair down. It also doesn't melt well on my hair its like its not rubbing in or something.

I'm using breakfree which I like better but still that adds no shine
I love it! I don't use it on dry hair very often, but it's a MUST when I rollerset. I mix it with a little of my indian hemp hair oil, and my sets come out soft, shiny, and very smooth
I wouldn't be caught without it!