Elasta Mango Butter VS. Profectiv Anti-Breakage!!!


Active Member
Hello ladies!
I've been seeing a lot of rec's for the Elasta Mango Butter and I've been eager to try it. I already have the Profectiv (yellow) and it's pretty good but I'm not crazy about the smell. So.... for anyone who has tried both (or just Elasta) tell me:

Does the Elasta have as thick of a consistency as the Profectiv?
Give me your opinions. Thanks!
I couldn't stand that Elasta mango mess. Made my hair knot up and made it sticky as well. But that's just my hair. It didn't do that to my mom's hair at all.

Now, which Profectiv are you talking about? I get them all confused. I use some of them. I use the Anti-itch, Break-Free, Mega-Growth, and Roothealth.
I have both the profective yellow and the mango butter. I prefer the mango butter. It smells better and isn't as heavy. Also, the profective seems to just sit on my hair, and the mango butter is absorbed into it. Also, I think the profective has some kind of strengthening agent. I wouldn't use that as a twice a day thing like I use the mango butter..hth!
Does anyone know why its not good to use products with mineral oil; and what about petroleum? Softee has a really nice Indian Hemp hair grease that I thought about using on dry hair, then getting under the dryer as a prewash treatment
Mineral oil and petroleum both clog the pores which is not good if you want your hair to grow. These ingredients also block out any moisture from the hair. I also found that it attracts dust and lint.

I may consider using a product that contains mineral oil, but only if it was low on the list of ingredients. There are alternatives to these greases such as coconut oil. Hope this helps
I like Profectiv better, and I have tried Mango Butter; it did nothing for me. The smell of mango butter is great, but besides that---it wasn't that special for me.
Bellatrix said:
Mineral oil and petroleum both clog the pores which is not good if you want your hair to grow.

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They don't clog pores at all.
The website below shows a list of ingredients that do/don't clog pores.


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Sorry, I don't agree with you, but thanks for your input nonetheless.
I used to use Profective when I had a relaxer, I loved the way I could wrap my hair and put the creme on and jump in the shower with perfectly wrapped hair. I recently bought the Mango Butter and now that I am transitioning, I like the smell and thickness of it, it helps me to get all my hair smoothed together to make a ponytail or whatever I do with it. I don't know what type of profective you use, but I like both products.

As far as mineral oil and petroleum goes, I would think that petroleum would be fine, I used it every day on my skin and some people use it as a lip moisturizer, it doesn't clog my pores at all! As a matter of fact it lasts longer than regular lotion, but it still is not so thick that I feel like a greased pig all day long, I have put petroleum on my hair (scalp) before, I think that if you coat it on lightly it works fine, as for mineral oil I don't know that much about it, I know I've used greases with it in there, but there again, you have to apply light coats. So I don't think they clog pores, I think unusual amounts will clog them, like anything else possibly can.
They don't clog pores at all.

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Yes they do.

Taken from this website.

Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

MINERAL OIL A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum, mineral oil can attract dirt and causes blackheads and eruptions. It can accelerate free radical damage, thus speeding up the aging process, because it causes toxins to build up in the skin.

PETROLATUM This familiar, semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons is derived from petroleum. Literally, "paraffin jelly" or "petroleum jelly" -- it is not absorbed by the skin and suffocates the pores. All petrochemicals pollute our water and destroy marine life -- avoiding them is essential for humans, animals, fish, water, land and air.

The website below shows a list of ingredients that do/don't clog pores.


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Petroleum isn't even listed on this page and most of the minerals were graded a 3, 4 or 5 and according to the author, 3, 4 and 5 is bad.

Now if you like mineral oil and petroleum, that's fine, but we have a lot of newbies on this website and I would hate for them to get false information like this.
I don't understand, I guess I need to investigate more, because my family has used vaseline for years on our skin and I love the way it has kept our skin looking youthful and very soft. Why do people put Vaseline and baby oil on babies, I wonder? And it doesn't seem to clog their little pores, now putting too much on might cause some problems, why don't doctors say anything about this? Why do they put petroleum in lip products and things that we use close to our bodies? I mean some people put petroleum on chapped skin and wounds. There are so many things that are not "supposed" to be good for us, is this just one of those things we have to just pray and hope will not kill us?
Why do people put Vaseline and baby oil on babies, I wonder? And it doesn't seem to clog their little pores, now putting too much on might cause some problems, why don't doctors say anything about this? Why do they put petroleum in lip products and things that we use close to our bodies? I mean some people put petroleum on chapped skin and wounds.

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Hmmmm? Good questions. My guess is that the scalp pores are more prone to breakouts and such because the hair on the head combined with the petroleum/mineral oil will trap moisture and dirt. Also remember, you bathe everyday to remover the oils from your body and everyone doesn't wash their hair everyday. This is something we should do more research on, but I am never putting those oils on my scalp.
It is listed as Petrolatum with the value of 0.
Mineral oil is also listed with the value of 0.

Petroleum and Petrolatum are the same thing.
Now if you like mineral oil and petroleum, that's fine, but we have a lot of newbies on this website and I would hate for them to get false information like this.

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I never said that I liked them, and it is not false information.

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OK, enjoy your mineral oil and petroleum.

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Yes. I will enjoy my mineral oil and petroleum, because I know that it is one of the safest ingredients to use.
Ladies, what is good for the goose may not neccessarily be good for the gander. So some like mineral oil some don't...once there is no excessive shedding, breakage, dryness then all is well with the hair.

The MegaGrowth has been a frequent moisturizer for some time-it helped me during a breakage phase and I use it lightly(VERY lightly) every other day.
I recently started using mango butter and I love the smell..but the effects are up in the air. Unless my relaxer is fresh my hair sometimes does not seem to respond to it. I started using Elasta QP Recovery along with some Dudley PCA and have been enjoying those more. Maybe I will just continue to use the mango butter for light moisturizing and to smell fruity.
True, not everyone will agree with the same thing, that's why we are allowed to make our own decisions. Just like when it comes to gasoline, my brother drives a gasoline truck, and has told me some things about his deliveries. As much as I try to convince my friends that sometimes the gas at Chevron is no better than the gas at Diamond Shamrock, it's just the grades are different they don't believe me, I even worked for an oil company and saw the different grades of oil and there lubrication. I know that is off the subject, but it just goes to show that know matter how much somebody knows about a topic, some people are just going to go with what their mind tells them to go with.

Being that petroleum and mineral oil as stated before in the link posted by Jade, are natural products that are not harmful to the environment because they are made by mother nature, it's funny how we still relax or put other chemicals in our head that are mixed up with an abundance of un natural chemicals. I don't see a problem with relaxers or anything like that, it's just ironic, it's almost to me like a person on a diet eating a cheeseburger, fries, and drinking a diet coke.

I've only been a member of the site a few months, I just wanted to be schooled, maybe there was something I needed to know that was dangerous, I guess now I know and have enough info to do my own research, thanks guys!
Yip. I prefer my greases to have at least one of those ingredients because my hair responds very well to them. The Profectiv products don't have those ingredients, but I don't use them for grease purposes anyway. I like to use the Break-Free for moisturizing, especially on freshly shampooed hair.

My suggestion to the originator of this thread is to try both the Mango Butter and the Profectiv product and decide for yourself. Try them each on wet hair and dry hair. The Elasta stuff did nothing for either on mine. I really wanted to like it though because of the smell.
My hair happens to loves mineral and petroleum. Since I've incorporated these ingredients back into my regimen, my hair appear & feel much healthier. Not to mention, the ability to retain my inches.
Re: Elasta Mango Butter VS. Profectiv Anti-Breakag

I wonder did people stop using petroleum/mineral oil based products because of something they read on the net or because they honestly experienced problems using these products. I stopped using them in the form of grease because I didn't like touching my hair and getting grease all over my hands. Also since I wash my hair once a week, I don't need grease or anything else on my scalp. I now have gone back to using a little grease at times. It helps keep my hair straighter and doesn't contain water which would can cause reversion if I'm due for a touchup.
Karonica said:
My suggestion to the originator of this thread is to try both the Mango Butter and the Profectiv product and decide for yourself. Try them each on wet hair and dry hair. The Elasta stuff did nothing for either on mine. I really wanted to like it though because of the smell.

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I agree!
As to the original question:

It all depends on the texture of your hair. I have used both the Profective and the Elasta and the Profective is a better moisturizer on my 4a/b hair hands down. The Elasta has a tendency to be too light. I really wanted it to work well because it smells sooo good, but I was SOL. The texture of the Elasta is not as "runny" as the Profective.
Yip. More buttery. I like thick creams, that's another reason why I wanted it to work. But, I've had much better success with Profectiv's Mega-Growth, and that's thick as well. I just wish I could trade their scents.