El cheapo conditioner!


New Member
I know a lot of us on here like the VO5 or the Suave conditioners for CO washes... I picked up a V05 that I normally never would have tried and it's been wonderful!

It's the V05 Extra Body Conditioner. Now... I'm the last person who needs extra body in my hair, but I bought this because I recently had a color treatment and my hair's been feeling kinda nasty lately. This conditioner has collagen in it (a protein) and my hair has always responded well to collagen.

So I bought it and was thrilled at the slip and moisturizing qualities!!! And although I do the deep protein conditioners on weekends, this is a good way to get some extra protein in daily in a formulation that isn't too heavy duty.

The smell is heavenly as well! And best of all, it's cheap!!!
I love the cheapies, too. I find that they work extremely well for me. Hey! I checked out your pics and our hair is very similar :-) In fact, you could be a 'hair twin'.
I love me some cheapie conditioners. I got a bunch of the suave that are the expensive brand's knockoffs and my hair loved them. They are cheap and I have a whole bunch of options and my hair loves them. Of course I always spike my conditioners with honey and coconut oil, so I guess any ole conditioner will do, but I loved the results with the suave proffesional line. My hair is enjoying the pampering and my pocket is enjoying the savings.