Edge Envy....I got it bad!!! Come Share ur Edge Ideas pls.


Well-Known Member
I have recently noticed that when I am out and about, instead of looking at other females length...........I am looking at their edges!!:perplexed

I got the length thing on lock- I can grow some hair...dc,moisture.blah blah blah.:look:

Its the edges that are driving me crazy. After some micros a few years back,my edges have not been the same.

Has anyone went from jacked up edges to full,thick edges?

If so, please share how you did it. Please included produce names and frequency of use.

Rubbing castor oil on my edges every night for a few months helped a lot. They filled in.
i gotta try this castor oil thing, because my edges have been a mess my whole life... My mother tried to tell me that it was my baby hairs... WHAT A CROCK!!! lol
i tore my edges out with relaxer abuse and sew ins before i started my journey. i used castor oil for a few months, and alternate sulfur 8 at nite. they are filling in, but id imagine it would take a lil time to fill all the way after all the abuse i gave them. poor edges.
One bad braid job took my whole front hair line (it was so tight I took it out the next morning but the damage was done), its since grown back thank God but its so weak now and the to points right above my mid brow are still too see through for me.

I've done the castor oil thing - maybe not consistently enough. I've done growth serums and now I'm trying Lenzy's Request. I think I'll go back to Castor oil too.
What worked for me was Megatek....I used it straight out of the bottle with JBCO on top massaged it all in for 10 mins. and tied it up. In the morning a little JBCo mixed with a leave-in.....this routine regrew my thin edges to luscious thickness within 2 months!! Keep your moisture on point.
What worked for me was Megatek....

This was also my 'suggestion' for any weak areas i.e. edges, nape & crown. I would also keep my moisture levels on point with this highly concentrated protein.

I'd prolly (personally) skip the massaging in due to alot of additional pressure and additional manipulation...but that's just me.:ohwell:

Most definitely MT will work.:yep: And I also agree 60 days (2 months) is about right.:grin:
Im gonna try the Megatek.............lil miss Chocalatediva da product junkie just happens to have some in the bathroom!!!! I will take b4 and after pics and will try this for 2 months and report back.

Anymore suggestions?
My edges near my temples are genetically thin...(My mom, me, and my dd all have them) is there any hope for me?
My edges near my temples are genetically thin...(My mom, me, and my dd all have them) is there any hope for me?

I hope so!! My mom doesnt have any edges,none. at. all. Bald as a babies butt. :perplexed I get scared for me everytime I see her edges or lack of (Im not talking bad about mama either, it just is what it is.) I know its narcissistic (sp?) but its all I can think of when I see her edges. God please not me....is what I chant in my head..:look::look::look:

I hope its just a weak area for some ppl and with proper care they can thrive.

Put you an edge regimen in place and try if for a few months and see if there is change. IMO thats the only way you will know if there is hope.

Im keeping HOPE alive for me and you!!:grin::grin:
My edges have fallen apart as of late, I recently purchased groganics daily topical gel, let's see how that goes.
I am an "edge hater"! My eyes always wander to the edges when I am viewing pics & seeing someone in person. Mine became thin from wearing 1/2 wigs with those combs. The left side has somewhat filled in but the right side has not. I've tried castor oil & I am now using Beemine sulfur oil. I noticed that they are getting longer but not thicker. I may have to try that Megatek.