Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis of the Scalp- Any other sufferers?


New Member
I have been battling eczema since I was a little girl. I used to get it behind my knees and on my chin and hands. Now I get it in my scalp. It comes in occasional flare-ups. My scalp become excessively dry and scaly feeling, although I've never had crusts or oozing sores like some. I do have sore spots and the most annoying symptom, hair loss. My hair sheds like a you know what when I get a flare up. I bothered me this morning to see so much shedding. I use Nizoral OTC b/c my persciptions have all run out. I have used Derma Smooth (love it, but it runs out too fast) and Nizoral 2%(same thing). What other meds are effective? Any non-cortecosteriodal formulas out there REALLY work? IMO, steriods are the only thing that calm down this prob when it's at it's worst. I've posted on this before, but can't find me original post. /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
I don't know anything about contact dermititis. I have done a little bit of research on Rose Hips Oil, and it is supposedly exceedingly moisturizing. If you have never tried it, I hope that you do and that it works for you. /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
I feel your pain, I have eczema too, but not in my hair, however, my daughter has it in her hair and lost an entire strip of hair in the back of her head, it was really distressing.

Anyway, before conditioner washing her hair, we put olive oil on it for half an hour, so it doesn't become really dry, and wash as normal.

I always put some olive oil on her hair, maybe twice a week to keep it moisturised, but never medicated stuff.

The next hair wash she has is that tar smelling shampoo for dry skin conditions.

Good luck.

I'm one also. I'm using RX topical steriod that has helped a lot. I could never use Nizoral because it seems to make my dry and itchy scalp worse. Although I have not tried it, I read that tea tree oil and emu oil may help. Here's a site for the emu:
I also suffer from psarosis (sp?) on my scalp, mostly in my hairline and in front of my ears. I tried all the medicated stuff recommended by my doctor but I hated what it did to my hair. I started taking higher doses of flax seed and evening primrose oils. I stopped putting anything on my scalp in the areas prone to flare ups. I mean NOTHING on these areas. I do a olive oil, jojoba oil and honey treatment EVERY time I shampoo. This helps my scalp from drying out when I shampoo.

I stopped using medicated shampoos because they made my hair dry and brittle and never completely fixed my problem. I cut way back on the dairy products becuase they seemed to increase the number of flare ups I would have.

I wash at least twice a week now and that has helped minimize my flare ups. I know how frustrating this can be. I used to get the HUGE, crusty flakes and I could never wear my hair back becuase it would be right at my hairline. Things are better now but if I slack off on the flax seed oil and epo I'm paying for it days later. HTH
I agree about the dairy. For many people allergies are a cause/aggravation to eczema, and finding out what yours is (if you have one, dairy is common) will do more than perhaps anything else to fix the problem.
Hi Umsumayyah! Long time, no see!

I am allergic to just about everything. I was recently tested (about 100 shots) and I reacted to about 60-70 things.
I am a sufferer of seborhic dermatitis. My doctor says that it is not curable, but manageable. I use a topical steroid (Luxiq) on my scalp and it clears up the problem within 2-3 days. Its only available by prescription though.
None that I can detect. Ive been using it for years and only apply it when my scalp starts flaring up and is tender. If I let it go too far I get scaly spots around my nose.
i have eczema on the sole of my feet, around my ears, and a few spots in my scalp. The spots on my scalp haven't given me any problems. Keeping my scalp moisturize and making sure my skin is not irritated does the trick.
I am happy to say, mines is under control, now that I have stopped putting chemicals on my hair!!! No more perms for me although I am always tempted. I still use color. But when I was using perms I washed with Penetrax Shampoo found at Wal-greens it works wonders. I was also given a Rx ointment TRimenthlocon??? I was to apply that to my scalp daily. It grew my hair longer and stronger and much much more nappier.

I could never wear a french roll or a ponytail because I would get a full crusty scalp even with a hair weave. I also had A-topic Derm on my back which I think came from rinsing the perm out of my hair and it running down my back.

I did a lot of research and began eating healther doing the flax seed and EPO, amongst many other vitamins. colonics. Now I do juicing. I am hoping I don't have an outbreak with the changing of the season. Dr. Pepper and Root beer are absolute no-no's for me. HTH.
I am happy to say, mines is under control, now that I have stopped putting chemicals on my hair!!! No more perms for me although I am always tempted. I still use color. But when I was using perms I washed with Penetrax Shampoo found at Wal-greens it works wonders. I was also given a Rx ointment TRimenthlocon??? I was to apply that to my scalp daily. It grew my hair longer and stronger and much much more nappier.

I could never wear a french roll or a ponytail because I would get a full crusty scalp even with a hair weave. I also had A-topic Derm on my back which I think came from rinsing the perm out of my hair and it running down my back.

I did a lot of research and began eating healther doing the flax seed and EPO, amongst many other vitamins. colonics. Now I do juicing. I am hoping I don't have an outbreak with the changing of the season. Dr. Pepper and Root beer are absolute no-no's for me. HTH.

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Do what she says, I've been on flax seed oil for 5 years now, I did a big chop in 1999, I'm trying to fill in those thin spots, but I would suggest you see a dermatologist and get a topical steroid, products with petroleum and mineral oil are a very, very, big no no...HTH
I was diagnosed with dermatitis. My doctor recommended some shampoo that dried my hair out. Then she recommended the oil version of the shampoo. I didn't buy it.

I cleanse my scalp by washing it every three days. My hair sheds like crazy. My scalp starts itching the day after I wash it. I'm having a flare up now and I'm not sure what caused it.
I have Seborrheic Dermatis and I keep it under control with
prescription strength Nizoral shampoo and Nizoral cream.
Since I started doing daily co washes I have not used my shampoo in months.
I also try to do pre hot oil treatments once a week.
I take flaxseed oil tablets too.
I'm happy to report no shedding for me either and its been a while since my last flare up. Like I was telling another LHCF sister I do a pre treatment before EVERY shampoo and wash faithfully twice a week.

When I put moisturizers on my hair I'm super careful not to get any on the scalp closest to my hairline. I put NOTHING on my scalp in that area, not even the stuff recommended by docs. If I put anything topical in that area its flake city!

Sometimes I have minor flare ups behind my ears or in front of my ears but that's usually if I forget to take my flax seed oil or epo. I haven't had a flare up in my scalp in a couple months.
My doctor just told me I also have dermatitis of the scalp, besides the shedding, did you see bald spots? I saw two small spots. Thanks for all the advice you all gave me.
My doctor prescribed a topical steroid mousse called Olux. I guess it works okay, but you're only supposed to use it for two weeks at a time. I've never used it regularly, but if I see flaking, I'll slap a lil' on my hairline.
Have you thought of Glover's hair treatment? Apply it to your scalp and let it it for 30 minutes then wash your hair. Also, Nizoral shampoo does help.
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nicki6 said:
I am a sufferer of seborhic dermatitis. My doctor says that it is not curable, but manageable. I use a topical steroid (Luxiq) on my scalp and it clears up the problem within 2-3 days. Its only available by prescription though.
I am also a sufferer of Seborrheic Dermatitis and have found that washing my hair with Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo at least twice a week really helps. The more I wash my scalp the healthier it becomes. Also, this is one of my many reasons for transitioning, relaxers would irritate my scalp, :( and make my scalp very dry, which in turn would thin my hair.:ohwell: Since I have been transitioning and washing my hair more frequently, my hair is so much more fuller and my scalp is a lot healthier. :)
This is good to know..I have atopic dermatitis on my face along my jawline and along both of my temples. On the right side it has extended into my hairline. I have the PM shampoo and will be using that more regularly.
Ronda123 said:
I am also a sufferer of Seborrheic Dermatitis and have found that washing my hair with Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo at least twice a week really helps. The more I wash my scalp the healthier it becomes. Also, this is one of my many reasons for transitioning, relaxers would irritate my scalp, :( and make my scalp very dry, which in turn would thin my hair.:ohwell: Since I have been transitioning and washing my hair more frequently, my hair is so much more fuller and my scalp is a lot healthier. :)

I also went from relaxer to perm. I don't have a clue about what to do with my al'natural hair. I want a relaxer again sooooooo bad. It seems that I went around with awful looking hair all year.
OP, I have Eczema since i'm less than 1 year old. I used to have it behind my knees, inside my elbow, on the neck and throat , at the corner of my eyes (all that at different times in my life) and now around the neck.
What I know is:

Water intake helps
emu oil, shea butter, or anything really moisturising helps a lot . I buy tons of lip balms.
So I figure that a nice moisturising conditioner, leave-in or or butter might help.

And in a more cheesy yet still very effective way:
Less coffee
Less stress

Hope it helps