Eczema of the sscalp and shedding


Sewing & Growing Gamma Gal
Hi ladies. I would like to know what those of you who have relaxed hair but also have scalp eczema are putting on your scalp to help with flare-ups. My eczema only becomes a nuisance in the summer due to the heat and the fact that I sweat a lot in my scalp.

I recently noticed that my shedding has been excessive as of late and I now realize that its my eczema and my scratching it. I wanted to purchase some hydrocortisone but I wasn't sure if I could use that on my scalp and not make my hair fall out. I was also thinking of tea tree oil since so many of the scalp products have tea tree in them but again was not sure how this would interact with my hair.

My hair is only a few inches away from APL and i would hate to have to cut it all off and go natural but if it keeps shedding it will eventually begin to look thin and my big head can't take thin

any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi TS,

I would give your scalp a rest from relaxers, and maybe try wearing protective styles to get your through to fall, when you can do a touch up and the heat isn't causing a flair up of your ezema. I've read a lot of posts lately with the ladies complaining that they are shedding excessively this summer...May be due to the unusual heat we have had this summer. So I don't know if your shedding is due primarily to having ezema, or it could be a combo of the heat as well. I don't think that dabbing a little hydrocortizone on your scalp will hurt your hair or scalp to calm the flair-ups. Hydrocortizone isn't meant to be used though in conjunction with heating applicances, so if you do put the hydro on your scalp, do it after you have pressed or flat-ironed your hair. I would also refrain from using a lot of product in your hair besides oil and conditioner as other chemicals combined with the hydro may cause an adverse reaction. Treat the area on your scalp as if you were applying it to the other skin on your body.

It doesn't hurt to consult a dermatologist as well, good luck!!
thanks Yvonne
I'm gonna try and stretch the relaxer out til atleast October or so (when it gets cooler). I actually only bun my hair because my schedule doesn't allow for too much styling time. I don't use any heating appliances other than the sit-under dryer so i will definitely try the hydrocortisone. this problem first started years ago, I went to one and she told me that my hair was falling out because of a lack of protein and that i should eat more meat....i was so pissed because she didnt even do a thorough check of my scalp and when i asked her if she thought that relaxers might be the issue she said that cant be. after than visit i cut my hair off. months later i realized that it was relaxer or atleast the way that the woman applied it to my scalp.

just looked thru my drawer and i have some hydrocortisone in my closet.....and so it begins

but you're right...someone that i subscribe to on youtube also is cmplaining about excess shedding and when my g/f went to the salon the stylist was talking to one of the patrons about her excess shedding, so it may be the heat. i have a return to make to cvs so i'll get the ant-itch cream tomorrow.
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My daughter suffers from eczema on her scalp also. Hers is so bad that when I try to scratch some of it away (the flakes) it starts to bleed. What I have found and a friend of mine recommended was to get a tar shampoo. Well, I found Grandpa's pine tar soap in GNC and used it on her hair. In addition to that, if after washing it looks as if she still has a little eczema (buildup or whatever you term it) I take Clean and Clear and cottonballs, (yes the stuff you put on your face) and clean her scalp.(It works) Then I apply jojoba oil to her scalp to keep it from getting dry. This seems to stave off the itches for her for awhile. After doing so, I always ask her if her scalp has been itching and most days she says no. Pine Tar soap (to me) smells HORRIBLE, but Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap does not leave its horrid smell in your hair and its vegetable based. The ingredients are: Coconut oil, palm oil,purified water, pine tar oil, vegetable glycerine. It does not dry out her hair. HTH
Hey TS,

I'm sorry about the doctor, don't give up, get a second or third opinion if you have to. Yeah, I think the heat is part of the problem, so please don't cut off all your hair!

I stopped using relaxers this past January because I used Bigen hair dye 3 weeks after relaxing and all I can say is my scalp was in ruins. It took three months for my scalp to heal after that severe allergic reaction. I was afraid to use anymore chemicals on my scalp, so I began my natural hair journey from that disaster.

I can tell from your siggy that your hair looks pretty and healthy, so your scalp just needs a little tlc. The hydro should help! Take care!
I get scalp psoriasis flare ups occasionally. It's not the same but similar. I have been to several dermatologists and all were unhelpful. I've had better results w/trial and error of different products. I use hydrocortisone on my scalp. It can cause thinning of the skin so I wouldn't use it daily. I have also had good results w/dermarest moisturizer on my scalp. And I know this is anti-longhaircareforum but mineral oil works well on my scalp. Most other oils seem to irritate it. I do not have a relaxer so I am not sure how your scalp may respond if you use hyrdrocortisone or dermarest b4 applying a relaxer since they are medicated.
My daughter suffers from eczema on her scalp also. Hers is so bad that when I try to scratch some of it away (the flakes) it starts to bleed. What I have found and a friend of mine recommended was to get a tar shampoo. Well, I found Grandpa's pine tar soap in GNC and used it on her hair. In addition to that, if after washing it looks as if she still has a little eczema (buildup or whatever you term it) I take Clean and Clear and cottonballs, (yes the stuff you put on your face) and clean her scalp.(It works) Then I apply jojoba oil to her scalp to keep it from getting dry. This seems to stave off the itches for her for awhile. After doing so, I always ask her if her scalp has been itching and most days she says no. Pine Tar soap (to me) smells HORRIBLE, but Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap does not leave its horrid smell in your hair and its vegetable based. The ingredients are: Coconut oil, palm oil,purified water, pine tar oil, vegetable glycerine. It does not dry out her hair. HTH

thanks for the recommendation. I realized last week that i have a shampoo from jason that i pruchased for my scalp condition but it was 3/4 full...i probably didn't use it b/c there were no flare-ups. but i do remember reading somewhere about pine tar, so i will check it out.

i can only imagine a baby having itchy scalp, they involuntarily scratch (they just can't help it)....i hope it gets better for her
I get scalp psoriasis flare ups occasionally. It's not the same but similar. I have been to several dermatologists and all were unhelpful. I've had better results w/trial and error of different products. I use hydrocortisone on my scalp. It can cause thinning of the skin so I wouldn't use it daily. I have also had good results w/dermarest moisturizer on my scalp. And I know this is anti-longhaircareforum but mineral oil works well on my scalp. Most other oils seem to irritate it. I do not have a relaxer so I am not sure how your scalp may respond if you use hyrdrocortisone or dermarest b4 applying a relaxer since they are medicated.

thanks for telling me not to use it daily because i sure would have. I'm gonna have to look up the dermarest product. thanks again
thanks for the recommendation. I realized last week that i have a shampoo from jason that i pruchased for my scalp condition but it was 3/4 full...i probably didn't use it b/c there were no flare-ups. but i do remember reading somewhere about pine tar, so i will check it out.

i can only imagine a baby having itchy scalp, they involuntarily scratch (they just can't help it)....i hope it gets better for her

Well, yea she will always be my baby but she's ten :grin:. Her hair and its condition has really improved this summer surprisingly. I hope you find something that works for you because if you're suffering like my DD was then "we" can empathize. :sad:
My sister had this problem for the longest. 4 months ago she got tired of it and just cut all of her relaxed hair off and went natural. The relaxer was drying out her scalp and killing it. The dermatologist gave her some special cream and things are much better for her now.
eeeekk!!...i really dont wanna cut off my hair (but I may have to in october). i tried the hydrocortisone and my scalp has been okay today...but it also hasnt been as hot outside.

thanks for the reply...maybe u can share some pics of your sister's hair for inspiration
I have some glover's sulphur...the red one...and i tried it last week but there was no change...maybe i should "go hard" and use the yellow one but the smell is ridiculous.

so i'll see how the hydrocortisone works this week before i take the leap