Eczema - Hair Loss - Natural - Needs Help


Well-Known Member
My Sisters Niece is 13 and natural. She has bad Eczema where her hair is now gone in all the spots. While she has gone to the Dermatologist, the prescribed shampoos and such aren't helping and she is now starting to get depressed. :(

I can understand as she is going through her hormone changes, and having nice hair styles is important at her age (ours too but you know). I feel aweful bad.

She is using Emu Shampoo that is sulphate free. I suggested the Vatika oil rinse/Amla Oil. What else do you think?

Thanks in advance.
Extra Virgin Coconut oil may help. In the skin forum, someone used coconut oil on her baby's eczema and it cured the eczema.

I think a diet change could also help. I used to have eczema. Then I discovered and I had systemic candidiasis and in an effort to treat that, I changed my diet and as a bonus my eczema disappeared as well.

There are tests that can help determine what foods might be causing you harm...and usually they are not necessarily bad foods. Just our bodies react differently to different foods. They aren't cheap though. If you do a search for "Immunolabs" on the forum, you'll see some info I've shared on the test from this company. Otherwise this website might help:

I'm so sorry she's going through this. I have ezcema on my scalp so I understand how bad it can get. The best thing she can do is go the all natural approach. The shampoos are just treating the symptoms. Eczema is also triggered by hormones so her being stressed or depressed isn't helping. Something must be irritating her scalp or her skin somewhere. I hope you guys have changed her detergent and she's not wearing any metal thats not surgical steel or hypoallergenic. Check her pillow cases and what she sleeps on too. You need to find the irritant to prevent this from happening again.

Also, you need to check her diet. Lots of fruts and veggies and water. Have her take fish oil pills and msm. Tell her not to scratch and instead of cowashing, I would do oil rinses for a while. Does mineral oil irritate her scalp? If not oil rinsing and soaking with amla oil will do her wonders. The gooseberry has a lot of good properties for her scalp. Coconut Oil is good as well. Whenever I have a flareup on my scalp all i can do really is try not to irritate it and everytime I shampoo, I would try and make sure I scrubbed everything off and then let it soak in oil after. After I relapsed and got a relaxer I had to just wait a few months for the flare-ups to go away.

Keep her scalp moist! JBCO with Lavender is good too. And I would try Florasone Cream on her scalp. It's steroid free and a natural homeopathic way of treating eczema. I use it all over my body. PM me if you have any more questions or need any more advice.
i dont have scalp eczema..but i have eczema all over my body,
its just starting to heal since, ive been use pure emu oil, 3 times a day. its expensive,
but out of everything ive tried, ( prescriptions, creams, other oils, eczema diets, etc) its the only thing thats helping me.
also im not allergic to dairy, but ever since i took it out my diet, my itching stopped.
Extra Virgin Coconut oil may help. In the skin forum, someone used coconut oil on her baby's eczema and it cured the eczema.

I think a diet change could also help. I used to have eczema. Then I discovered and I had systemic candidiasis and in an effort to treat that, I changed my diet and as a bonus my eczema disappeared as well.

There are tests that can help determine what foods might be causing you harm...and usually they are not necessarily bad foods. Just our bodies react differently to different foods. They aren't cheap though. If you do a search for "Immunolabs" on the forum, you'll see some info I've shared on the test from this company. Otherwise this website might help:


I'm so sorry she's going through this. I have ezcema on my scalp so I understand how bad it can get. The best thing she can do is go the all natural approach. The shampoos are just treating the symptoms. Eczema is also triggered by hormones so her being stressed or depressed isn't helping. Something must be irritating her scalp or her skin somewhere. I hope you guys have changed her detergent and she's not wearing any metal thats not surgical steel or hypoallergenic. Check her pillow cases and what she sleeps on too. You need to find the irritant to prevent this from happening again.

Also, you need to check her diet. Lots of fruts and veggies and water. Have her take fish oil pills and msm. Tell her not to scratch and instead of cowashing, I would do oil rinses for a while. Does mineral oil irritate her scalp? If not oil rinsing and soaking with amla oil will do her wonders. The gooseberry has a lot of good properties for her scalp. Coconut Oil is good as well. Whenever I have a flareup on my scalp all i can do really is try not to irritate it and everytime I shampoo, I would try and make sure I scrubbed everything off and then let it soak in oil after. After I relapsed and got a relaxer I had to just wait a few months for the flare-ups to go away.

Keep her scalp moist! JBCO with Lavender is good too. And I would try Florasone Cream on her scalp. It's steroid free and a natural homeopathic way of treating eczema. I use it all over my body. PM me if you have any more questions or need any more advice.

Thanks so much Ladies!

The Amla Oil Is amazing, It helped my son's psoriasis :) went from lots of flare ups to none at all.

She does have allergic reactions that flare up her eczema (Peanuts)
I was just going to suggest coconut oil. If you are going to put anything on her scalp make sure it's extra virgin or organic coconut oil.
Here's the florasone cream I use. She can put it on her scalp without any ill effects. It's all natural and the active ingredient is cardiospermum tincture 10%. This should help treat what she already has going on.

I would wash her hair, and scrub but NOT scratch her scalp to get the flakes off. Do an oil rinse with amla oil, maybe even apply a mixture of amla and shikaki paste to her scalp and then coat her hair and scalp with coconut oil mixed w/ amla and let it marinate for an hour or so. Rinse her hair out really well. Do a cowash with an all natural conditioner and do another oil rinse if necessary.

I did something similar during my flareups and I cant tell you how much those pastes helps my scalp. Neem, kalpi tone, brahmi, all of it! After she dries her hair oil her scalp with coconut or emu oil and then apply the florasone cream. You should notice a difference immediately!
This scalp cream, it restored my inflammed scalp within two week from black with eczema to back to the healthy brown.


Zambesia Botanica Scalp application. Not sure if you can get it in the US, but if the other remedies don't work let me know and I could send you one over. Or else ebay may be able to ship.
I want to say thanks again To you all

Vanthie, I'd be glad to pay you for the cream if the other stuff doesn't work.

I am going to print this out and give this information to her mom.
You don't know how helpful your information will be to her. At 13 certain things can either make you or break you. She graduated yesterday from Middle School on her Birthday and didn't want to even attend. :(
I mentioned to my sister , She is not her hair, while my sister understood at 13 who is listening to that.
I believe when she reads that other people go through the same thing, it will let her know this can be delt with.

I deeply thank you all.

I want to say thanks again To you all

Vanthie, I'd be glad to pay you for the cream if the other stuff doesn't work.

I am going to print this out and give this information to her mom.
You don't know how helpful your information will be to her. At 13 certain things can either make you or break you. She graduated yesterday from Middle School on her Birthday and didn't want to even attend. :(
I mentioned to my sister , She is not her hair, while my sister understood at 13 who is listening to that.
I believe when she reads that other people go through the same thing, it will let her know this can be delt with.

I deeply thank you all.



My dd has seborra dermatitis which is scalp excema. she also has body excema that is localized to a few fingers on right hand and a bit on back of neck and inner wrist.

I was washing her hair every 2 weeks but I noticed by the 2nd week the buildup would be ridiculous and would be hell trying to rid the scalp of it.

I was using jojoba oil mixed with tea tree oil but that was not really helping.

I started using coconut oil after reading a thread here and it has helped tremendously.

I have also decided to start washing her hair every week because all that scratching she was doing by week 1 1/2 was making me feel bad. Today was the first day of weekly washing. Increased washing is good because it rids the scalp of the buildup.

The night before I oil her scalp really well with evco and rub it in really well. I noticed this morning the crust was hardly there.
The next day:
I shampoo with a mixture of an equal amount of Kiss my face whenever 2 ozs (to use up, not sure if I am going to repurchase, there isn't anything wrong with it though) and Bluespring hair healthy shampoo (2 ozs) in an applicator bottle. I then take 1 tsp of tea tree oil and mix that in as well.
I was in sections and I scrub really well (no nails) 1x and then I go back through the sections and scrub really well again (total of 2x's) I typically lather 1x.
I make sure nothing touches her scalp other than coconut oil and my mix of aloe vera juice mixed with equal amounts distilled water to detangle.

I braid her hair and wait till I am atleast 1-2 inches away from the scalp before I apply the leave-in.

Once done braiding I spray my aloe/water mix on the scalp and apply coconut oil to the parts and take the tip of the applicator bottle and apply to the braided sections where the scalp is hidden.

Her scalp looks so good now and I notice the neck area is improving since applying the coconut oil.

Make sure to use evco that is not expired.

concerning the little girls hair loss:
The reason why she lost hair is because the scalp buildup causes the scalp to go into a faster telogen phase. I figured this out a few months ago but did not know what it was called until I read this article yesterday:

My DD always had a patch of excema on the nape (kitchen) that kept her hair there at no more than an inch or two. Since I increased washing her hair from 3 weeks to 2 the hair growth is more noticable. I think with increasing her washing to every week her hair growth will increase even more. When I was washing every 3 weeks the buildup would be bad. I noticed the spring/summer early fall scalp is better than the winter scalp

She never had thinning or balding but her growth was very slow.

In 08' I changed shampoo after researching excema and found that harsh sulfates cause an over production of sebum. Once I stopped with the other shampoo her scalp improved slightly.

oh my DD is natural as well all her life
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Have her take fish oil internally (capsules would probably work best for her). They have really helped me with my eczema. When I stop taking them (when I run out), my eczema patches come back. Sometimes they can be found at drugstores on a buy one and get one free special. I even have my dad taking them. They are supposed to be good for your heart health as well.