Eczema & hair breakage (is there a connection)


Hello everyone,

I am just thinking about things out loud and wondered if anyone that suffers with eczema, has problems with hair breakage.

I am a black female and have never been able to have any length with my hair. I am 45 years old my hair has been cut maybe twice in my life and it has not reached my shoulders. I have tried all sorts on it, and it has not made much difference.

So I am thinking if I have problems with dry skin, will I have the same problem with dry hair?

Thank you Susanna
I know in my case I've had very, very bad eczema throughout the years, but I've always had long hair... Between bsl and waist...

My troubles with my hair came when I relaxed it...that's when it became thin and consistently broke off to my shoulders or armpits.

Moisture was a problem when I was relaxed, so were bad hair care practices on my part...
I completely agree with the above post. I have had severe eczema since childhood. My hair began breaking when I started relaxing too often and using heat too much. Now, I'm natural, use mostly natural products, and rarely use heat and I'm grazing MBL.
Same thing. Ezcema and breakage.

Also the dye in the weaves I was wearing aggravated my ezcema and made my hair break too.
I have eczema too. It may cause a problem with density if you have sores or scabs all over your head. The areas where I have/had sores, there is little to no hair.

Eczema effects the skin not the hair strand.
If you have eczema in you hair/scalp then yes it is possible. I had severe eczema as a child that caused me to go bald because I had so many sores on my scalp. But in general eczema doesn't cause hair breakage.

Scalp eczema is Seborrhoeic dermatitis (also seborrheic dermatitis AmE, seborrhea),
And there is a special treatment for it, as well as special shampoos and conditioners... All focused on preventing hair loss.

From what I've read, sebborrhea doesn't make the hair dry, just the scalp
Eczema sufferer since birth, here!

My thoughts are that eczema ppl just have dryness all around the body and that includes hair, ergo breakage. It doesnt cause breakage, though.
like many of the women above i have had eczema since birth and while it was at its worst flare ups I often scratched my scalp and had scabs and whatnot. But really having eczema just taught me that I needed to be proactive in retaining moisture in my skin as well as on my scalp. So once i had grown out of the severe eczema stage I actually knew a lot better how to care for my scalp so that it would not be as much of an irritant. i still to this day apply lotion 3-4 times during the day and my scalp isn't too different. I make sure it's moisturized from the inside by drinking water like a fish and the outside by making sure at least every other day water or a water based product is reaching my scalp. So far so good!

Scalp eczema is Seborrhoeic dermatitis (also seborrheic dermatitis AmE, seborrhea),
And there is a special treatment for it, as well as special shampoos and conditioners... All focused on preventing hair loss.

From what I've read, sebborrhea doesn't make the hair dry, just the scalp

yeah thats why im saying, she would know if she had scalp ezcema it would be very obvious and wouldn't just be dry hair. I don't know if I had "scalp ezcema" I literally had eczema for years all over my body, mostly arms/legs
I was researching issue today for my daughter. She digs and has broken hair around the hair line. A friend recommended a topical temovate .05% any ladies have any success with this RX product? We are going to the derm Tuesday and i want to have some products to ask about.

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